Hmmm.... Poop post. (Sorry if TMI)

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HI all

My poops (sorry for this term, but it seems to flow naturally as I have two young girls:) have been looking GOOD these days! I still am taking one magnesium cap and am afraid to wean off until I am a little further into treatment. I am having one or two good ones each day. I occasionally notice some mucus in the poops. I was reading about detox and it seems mucus is part of that. I think I read that the bacteria overgrowth produces extra and now it is coming out.

Wondering if others had noticed this?


DLFox123's picture

Oh my gosh - mucous poop, grey poop, green poop, orange string goober stuff, little back mouse droppings, gushing stuff, horrible cramping stuff, with a fever, eventually bleeding from it all - off to the Dr. to find out they'd call it  gastritis, and after cultures run it contained no awful stuff........Well, no more awful than it goes on.

Pixie's picture

Probably is the bacteria coming out, it's gotta come out somehow huh???  Lol
Congrats on the good poo's ;)
Not weird to talk about at all, it's all part of the process :)

Congrats on weaning off the magnesium not a good thing?  Hah that's what I use to stay regular too, take them each night. 

So did Dr. B say that you have small intestinal bacterial overgrowth?  I know that is  my problem  too!

natalie86's picture

I always have mucus in my poop.. to be honest, I thought it was normal?
TMI, but when I wipe, there will usually be a white colored discharge on the toilet paper. Might need to ask Dr B about this!