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is a confusing issue....

I realize that many people are concerned with the concept of alkalizing the body. And, indeed often the body is over acidic when in the state of IC. However, using methods to alkalize the body because of test stripping is a dangerous situation to get yourself into and can actually make your symptoms and your IC much worse.

It is the job of the body to regulate its pH on its own. When it is chronically ill it has lost its ability to do so. A huge part of getting the body in proper balance is driving it toward being able to regulate its own pH once more. The process of the diet and supplements is what drives these stages and phases towards the optimization of your individual health and balance.

If you are entering treatment, please keep this in mind so as not to do things that will contradict the goals involved with this kind of approach to health. of course there are numerous other ways to negatively impact treatment by diverting from the protocol, so please always check with me if you are not clear. This treatment is very delicate and based on controlling all of the variables.

Dr. Brizman 


lynette's picture

Dear Matia,
Thank you for this.  This is something that has concerned me as I have the pH strips and when testing from time to time realise that I am still too acidic and know that this is not good for optimum health.  I have wondered why as such a large proportion of my diet is made up of veggies now (started list 1 6 months before starting your protocol) that the pH has not changed. 
Thank you fagain for explaining this, I realise that this is just another sign that I still have a very long way to go to get my body in balance and so it is no surprise that the pH is still off, I often feel like my body is breaking down and I am trapped inside of it, it is so very scary but know that I have to look forward to it rebuilding and healing and being set free.....

lynette's picture

Dear Dr B
Just wanted to say that I have not done anything to try to alkalise my system!  I am sticking to your protocol as closely as possible as I know that this will bring about change in time.  Suddenly panicked that you may think that I am which of course would bring about problems, I would hate you to think that I was not working with you to help me to reach recovery.

drbrizman's picture

All is good, just when things come to my mind I like to post them to avoid problems for all! No worries:)

lynette's picture

Thank you so much for your post of reassurance.

Shelby's picture

Before I met with you Dr. Brizman, I too was trying to get my system into a non acidic state through supplementation and I was so frusterated that no matter what I did it wasn't working.  I now understand that this process could take quite a long time and I am happy to put myself into your capable hands and let you do the thinking where my health is concerned and I will just follow your instructions.  Thank you for everything and I must say I really enjoyed meeting you and talking to you in person.