Follow-up to this morning's post

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Another thing that is important to note about the movment of energy and Qi Gong, Tai-Qi, meditation, or any other kind of movement work. When you are chronically unwell and you create the movement of energy, all that happens is you circulate toxins all over the body by moving the lymph. So, it makes you feel more unwell or even sick. Deir just wrote me on the last post and what she was experiencing is a good example of this.

So, just like it is important to wait on certain steps, such as food or tonification such as vitamins, waiting for the apppropriate time for stronger energy movment is also important.

Taking it slow and easy on such things is critically important and waiting to do it at all is also important.

Some people ask me if they shouldnt force themselves to exercise for example. They say they dont feel like it, but, will force themselves. My answer is always--dont force yourself! If you dont feel like it, it isn't bc you are lazy, it's becuase your body is telling you that it isn't ready.

For some of you exercise is critical because you feel better with the movment, while others feel better with the stillness and rest. And, this is indicative of the underlying imblances that are going on. And, one needs to listen closely to what the body is trying to say.

So, if you feel unwell from what you are doing-back off-reduce it or stop it completely,w ait and try again after some period of abstinence.



Christine222's picture

I just wanted to say thank you for all of these posts! I really enjoy hearing your thoughts about all these topics!

drbrizman's picture


calieve's picture

This is such a great topic for me.... My struggle has been trying to force myself to work-out, and I just haven't felt like it. It is true that we have to be patient, even though we want so much to be active. I also have been wanting to start meditation, but after reading this I feel like I should just wait until I start to feel a lot better.
I posted this on the forums, and it has also helped me to relax and wait to be active again:
"Be thankful for the conditions that are requiring you to be still. Do not spoil these quiet hours by wishing them away, waiting impatiently to be active again. Some of the greatest works have been done from sick beds. Limitations can be liberating.Quietness and trust enhance your awareness. Do not despise these simple ways. Although you feel cut off from the activity of the world, your quiet trust makes a powerful statement in spiritual realms. Strength and power show themselves most effective in weakness."

drbrizman's picture

thank you for sharing!

cprince's picture

This could not have been posted at a better time!  It is a constant struggle to muster up the strength to try and do more, especially after working a long day that is both physically and mentally draining. My husband, bless his heart wants me to just feel better, spring off the couch and go work out, but I can't seem to get it across to him I just physically can't phathom doing another thing! And when I do try things it just seems to exacerbate my symptoms, and I get discouraged!:( I will have to share this with him! Thank you!

drbrizman's picture

It helped. Stay on the couch for now:)