My husband and I realized last night that my breasts have been swollen for several months. They feel bigger and really lumpy inside. I understand from the forum that Dr. B thinks this is lymph. I am post- menopausal. Has anyone else dealt with this?
I have not checked in for awhile. I am trying to get back on my feet (literally) after the last 8 months. After thousands of dollars and too many consultations and services, I finally have an explanation for my knee condition. It is the same problem that I have had on and off since age 24, a patellar tracking problem. Now though, due to age, it has gotten much worse and I am just beginning to rehab the knees.
Also dealing with an uptick in bladder symptoms which came on after taking an antibiotic eye ointment for bad conjunctivitis. It was a Sunday and I should have just waited til Monday to talk with Dr. B.
hopefully, my bladder will settle down in the next week or so.
it is really difficult to adjust to my life with physical limitations but I have to do so in order to have some internal peace.
love to you all. Sorry not to be cheerier...
all my friends tell me that I should be on antidepressants (I am depressed for the first time in a long time.) but I think the lesson re the antibiotics is that I can't do things that other people can. I think I already reached my quota for western drugs and surgeries.
on that note, does anyone know what dr. B does if people need a western medical intervention?
Hey, I´m only 31 years old,
Hey, I´m only 31 years old, but I had the breast swelling a few months before IC started. They also felt pretty lumpy and hurt very much, especially between ovulation and period. But actually all the time. Now 4 months later it doesn´t hurt anymore, but they are still much bigger than ever. Even though I have lost a lot of weight the last months due to IC. Do not worry about it. Did you ask Dr. Brizman if she has some herbs that can help with depression? My naturopath wanted to give me amber but as I´m going to start treatment with Dr. Brizman I´m not taking anything at the moment. Or did you try meditation? It takes a while but it really does help.
This is the third time I've had to try to post this response. I keep losing it before it goes through!
Anyway, I've had breast issues during treatment and I had a mammogram done just to make sure. Everything was fine, and I'm glad I did it for peace of mind.
Bonnie, I too have had a lot
Bonnie, I too have had a lot of weird breast issues along the way, lumpy painful areas, discharge, etc, etc. I have had many ultrasounds and have come to a conclusion that probably just lymph nodes inflammed and normal changes. I would do further testing just to ease your mind! I know Dr. B was always very supportive and wanting me to have things checked just to be safe and was even wanting me to have things drained/biopsied if necessary! She is not against Western interventions when it comes to concerning matters!
So glad to hear you have found the cause of your knee issues, and hope things have been going well! Not an easy process!
Lots of love!
Rhodiola helped me with
Rhodiola helped me with depression.
Agree with Blondy! Did you
Agree with Blondy! Did you try Rhodiola recently or are you already taking some? Keep up the meditation and sedona. We should talk about upper body workouts to get your endorphins going!! :) Are you getting outside during the week?
Think breasts are mentioned in Dr. B's dissertation.
If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.