Icky symptoms after hair salon visit

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Hi all

Did anyone have a reaction to being in a hair salon? I felt good this AM, but after going to the hair salon felt a little flu-ish and a little more bladder sensitivity and frequency. Also mild headache! (I never get headaches). I think it is letting up now. Of course the smells bother me and they put me near a window, but still....ICK!


Tinkerbell7's picture

The smells sometimes get to me.  Did you let them shampoo you?  That could be why you have increased symptoms.  If not, it could definitely be the smells.  I haven't had my hair cut in a salon in about 6 months, but I remember it affecting my symptoms for a few hours after.

selichan's picture

Last time I was at the hair salon, an older customer sitting behind me took a whole can of spray and started sprayed her hair for at least 3-4 minutes, literally. I mean my jaw dropped, thought she was going to finish the whole thing!!  I tried to be polite and didn't say anything, after a few minutes and couldn't take it any longer so just got out for  a fresh air. In the evening, i too have developed flu like symptoms, and think the air quality in hair salons just like nail salons very poor with a lot of chemicals. I started going to supercuts, most customers just get a hair cut and not much styling, so i feel it's a little safer with all the gels and shampoos. 

Mimij67's picture

Thanks so much for the replies! I shampooed before I went there bit the smells were unbearable and within an hour had headache, frequency, urgency and fluish crazy!!

If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.

Mimij67's picture

Oy this turned into a full blown flare :(

If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.

Divaswearred's picture

Mimi, hang in there. Flares will normalize. I was doing better and I too had a big flare this evening. Not enough water I think. Never sure. 
What do you usually do to settle your flare? Carey

Rachel Ann's picture
Rachel Ann

My bladder always feels a little on edge after a salon visit because of the smells.  I started getting my hair cut by a lady who works in her home.  I'm the only person there while she is cutting my hair, and there are no strong fumes.  I bring my own shampoo and conditioner and she is happy to accommodate. 

amybarbara's picture

I never noticed that the smell bothers me but I bring my shampoo & conditioner with me when I get my haircut. I have been going to the same girl for 6 years.... It help keep some normalcy & allows me to feel a little pampered!
hope it passes soon!

Mimij67's picture

Thanks all. The flare lasted about 8 hours. Ugh. Emailed the salon and they appologized because they NEVER TURNED ON THE AIR that day. I mean, it was BAD in there. The owner felt terrible and wants to find ways to improve the air venting in there so guess it was a good thing I contacted her. Still going to see my stylist in her home tho next time!!

If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.

Divaswearred's picture

Glad your flare is over. So glad...it passes! I know because I have been better stabilized before. I feel like I am always testing myself to see if zi can handle something new and it never works. Should learn my lesson. Supposed to go on vacation in a week. Praying it stabilizes so that I can actually go. Was in tears this morning because of the terror that these big flares bring me.
praying for a softer bladder...hanging I there with everyone else ai am meeting.