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Has anyone here tried EFT or Pro EFT in conjunction with treatment?  I understand this is something that would need to be run by Dr. B first, but I was just wondering if any of you have any experience with this.  And if so, do you feel it was useful? 



Tinkerbell7's picture

Thank you, Ally!

Divaswearred's picture

One important thing is usually do keep tapping until symptoms improve to move them out. It's as though you tap them to the surface and then clear them. Very very useful tool. Best to do with a trained person first before venturing on your own. 
Ally, great read! Fully accepting ourselves I believe is the first step to really moving this out...
good work all, 

deir's picture

Hi Tinkerbell!
I have asked Dr B a few times and she has repeatedly told me that EFT can erally interfere with treatment. But of course, that might just be me.