The arBeauty not only emanates from the beauty of your heart and soul, it also is an expression of the health of your internal organs. Interestingly, watching people go through this process, people have reported many negative changes in their appearance during the time in which their health began to fail. Skin tone, color, and general appearance can change significantly in either direction depending on the internal environment. Curley hair can even go straight and vice versa. I have seen pictures of these kinds of changes before and after treatmentNails that peel or break off can suddenly grow nice and hard as you get healthier and your hair can start growing in beautifully and shiney again. One can reverse their aging process by many years in doing this kind of work with their health. I am bringing this up because I realized that part of what may have seemed facinating to me in that article on dentistry may not have to others who don't understand what I just said. There is a connection between everything outward on the body with everything inward, the teeth, areas of the face, areas of the body, scalp, ear, foot, palm, etc...These areas correlate with your internal environment and may often change physically depending on what is going on inside. The article on dentistry was super interesting because I have thought over the years that certainly if the body is healthy that very little dental intervention should be necessary. To understand that actual facial development can change depending on diet is incredible in sync with what I have experienced with my own patients. People who become healthier look unbelievably better. Their faces are less puffy or distorted, their weight is more where it should be for their body size, their hair and fingernails are healthy, as is their skin tone. And, the mood becomes even and happy. A huge sense of well-being takes over the place where erratic emotions used to be present. All of these issues are a major part of getting well. So, when we are treating the bladder, we are not only treating that. It is so much more.
I am ugly when I flare
I couldn't agree more with this post. When I flare, I look so ugly. I can't describe what I am talking about. I am a fairly average looking gal and definitely benefit from a touch of mascara, eyeliner, hair curling etc. When I flare though, there is nothing I can do to look better. I feel like I look like a monster. I have even told Matia I can always tell when I am going to flare because I look so ugly, I can't stand it. My skin is almost gray, my whole complexion looks gray, my hair is icky. It is very weird. My face looks puffy and I am in a mood to boot. Weirdness!
Appearance and diagnosis
It is really interesting when you have been trained in the way that those of us practicing Chinese medicine have in diagnosis. Studying people's outward appearances for years is incredibly interesting. But, really, in addition to that, just noting the subtle differences in a person's appearance and how it matches what they will report is happening on the inside--it is fascinating. When I see people on the street or acters on the screen, I try to guess what is happening with their health bc the face and hair and body type is a window into their internal health. People spend outrageous amounts of money on youth and beauty treatments, but those are only skin deep. I really believe that these treatment in the future will be internally based.
Everyone has yeast???
Funny, before I had IC, I had no idea about people and their looks, I just assumed that people either were good looking naturally (no pun intended) or not good looking. Now that I have IC, I can hear my dad saying "if you don't eat your veggies you won't have pretty hair/eyes/skin, etc" When I am out on the street, I play the IC guessing game with my husband (who thinks I am crazy, but is starting to believe me) I can always tell by the belly if someone has IC or IC like symptoms. I also tell by under the eyes, a lot of times they are redish, or just strangish. Sometimes a friend will be telling me about some fruity symptoms that sound completely like IC, but they have no clue. It is crazy. I think it was William Crook who wrote the Yeast Connection that estimated that a huge percent of people have issues with yeast and in Britain it is estimated that up to 70% of the population have the same issues. (Can't help but wonder if that dank weather contributes too) I used to wonder why all the Hollywood stars looked so beautiful (well at least many of them) if you look at their sample diets in those magazines, they are all low carb, high protein and lots of veggies. No wonder they have beautiful skin/hair/eyes, etc. Man, wish I had someone to prepare all my food because the IC diet is time consuming... The food processor/blender/pressure cookers are all items that I have spent quite a bit of money investing in, along with some great knives to make cooking easier and more fun!