2 Years - Almost Healed!

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As we sit on the cusp of Christmas and NYE I'm also on my 2 year anniversary with IC which hit me just before Christmas 2011 during what was apparently a bit too much of a festive season for me that just took its toll on my body, resulting in evil antibiotics which (on top of an amalgamatoin of toxins that must have been piling up in my body) resulting in IC. 

I am so happy to say and to share with you all that as I hit almost 1.5 years of treatment with Dr B I am SOOOOO close to being back to my old self again.... almost completely healed! I know that in the early stages of treatment I spent day after day fearing that maybe I would never heal... I read the success stories archived on this website over and over and over again... each one making me feel better and giving me hope. So I hope that with my post and update I can also give others hope that Dr B's treatment ABSOLUTELY does work and that you should never give up because you WILL continue healing.

2 years ago today I couldn't go 45 minutes max without needing the bathroom... My bladder felt like sandpaper was being rubbed on the inside tissues and was so inflamed I felt like it might explode sometimes. I was a ball of anxiety living in fear I wouldn't be able to have a normal life again.. How would I go to work every day? What could I eat? Today I am 95% symptom free 98% of the time (I will go weeks and weeks feeling symptom free and just get the occasional bout of slight pain and frequency here and there when I don't look after my body or diet). I feel myself constantly healing still... I am still on list 4-5 of the diet but it's a breeze for me these days after the days of list 1 and 2 and being human - yes I do cheat and sneak in the odd sweet here and there!

I am always so grateful and so thankful to have had the opportunity to be able to fly to LA (I'm in Australia) to be able to see Dr B and take on her treatment. It's given me my old life back with a new way of looking at how I eat and look after my body and a greater appreciation for how important my health is.

It's been a long road... the diet hasn't always been easy to stick to and having a social life in the earlier stages of treatment and IC was as most of you know super hard but I want you all to know that this treatment works. It really does... and you will get there. Stick to the diet, listen to Dr B and just have faith that you'll heal.

I am also a big believer in the power of meditation and positive thought and the way in which it can affect your body and healing process for the better. I read a book this year called "Breaking The Habit Of Being Yourself" by a neurologist called Dr Joe Dispenza... For those of you that have time or are into the idea of healing via positive thought I highly recommend this book. It goes into the science of how meditation and positive thought can physically affect your body and surroundings. 

Anyway, I hope you all have a great holiday season with loved ones and that the new year brings you health, happiness and love!



deir's picture

I am veryh happy for you! You are so fortunate and I am sure many peole will be inspired but this!
I just wanted to say that for those of us who aren't doing as well-it can be an added pressure to feel that our attitude is affecting our health so much. I wanted to encourage those long timers like me that just trying to get well with Dr B and sticking to this difficult lifestyle etc shows that we are positive and focused on wellness. When you feel pain day after day with no improvements- it is asking far too much of the sick person to say that they should also be constantly positive. Keeping to this protocol assumes you have faith and positive thought.
Hope this makes sense

DLFox123's picture

Hi Deir,
From someone who now has almost no bladder pain, but is still a complete anxiety mental ocd wreck, and has been throughout most of the treatment, who knows why the hell my bladder managed to get so much better if it was all positive thougths.  So, I get you. Hang in there.  I'm sorry that it's taking so much time for both of us.

TwentyTwenty's picture

I'm so, so happy for you! Thank you so much for coming back and sharing! xo

EmmaK's picture

Thank you MissCC for posting this! Really appreciate it and I definitely will check out the book! Wishing you a very happy Christmas! xx

Juliesummerstar's picture

Thanks so much for sharing this! I needed this today. I am coming up on one year having IC-January 1, 2013 was when it hit. I have been in treatment 4 months, and hit a rocky patch with the holidays. 
I do believe completely in the power of the positive. It's not about perfection and self judgement, but about doing what I can to stay in a frequency that is conducive to my own healing. For me, the magnitude of my flare and how long it lasts seems very related to my spiritual practice because it affects how I experience my world. If i am filled with fear of the future then the flare can become a monster that looms. If i am in the moment feeling pain but inspired that it will not always be that way it is just a sensation I can get through.  That's why reading these messages of hope and healing are such gifts. THANKS. This will get me through this flare! I also find that Emotional Freedom Tapping can help because there's a lot of emotion that can be stuck in a painful body.
I appreciate so much hearing about your journey and I look forward to more moments of physical comfort, peace, awareness, and happiness for all of us.
Love and light!

deir's picture

Of course- I also have worked very hard to maintain a positive perspective- it is my whole life- coping with this and still maintaining some semblance of a joyful life both for me and my poor family who have to go through this with me.
my point is that ANYONE who chooses this road to healing and sticks iwth it through the awful ups and downs MUST have intrinsic hope or we wouldn't keep doing it!!
Just waking up and taking my herbs and not eating crap shows that I believe I will some day get well and that this is the way!
I have a list hanging near my reading spot of "good" things ,that I got from Norman Cousins' book Anatomy of an illness. I believe that keeping these in your life while adding all this other good stuff- herbs, diet, support from Dr B HAS to at some point help our bodies heal.
will to live
I am always looking at my life to see how I can keep and increase these positive things in rather than fighting too much with my genuine sadness,fear and anxiety after being so ill for so long and not respoding too well to this treatment. When i fill my life with gratitude for what is, I am much more likely to be able to weather the inevitable emotional difficulties.
I hope this makes sense- I am saying this as much for me as for other people who have struggled for a long long time to get well despite doing everything humanly possible to do so. I want to allow myself to feel sad and afraid sometimes and not feel like it is the reason I am not well because I believe the sheer act of believing and sticking to such a complicated and difficult lifestyle shows a deep hope in the future!
I wish nothing but the best for everyone of the brave people dealing with this every day.

jgdewey's picture

So happy it is working for you and know that it will work for others. My bladder is so much better now than when I started about a year ago. I can sit through a movie, get up only 3 times at night, exercise.I still have issues. For example, I got a new carpet in November and my bladder when back to burning all the time for over a month until the gasses released and left the house. I never dreamed there were that many chemicals in a carpet, but there sure were. It's better now, but it reminded me of how lucky I am to have Matia. I knew what caused it, and how to overcome it. To all in pain and fear, just know it will get better, there might be setbacks, but they aren't as painful if you know there is hope for better days..Wishing you all a happy and pain free new year filled with hope and happy days again..

DLFox123's picture

Dear Julie,
Thanks for your kind words of hope and well wishes.  I'm so happy that you're doing so much better.

aries's picture

i hope u don't mind me asking (I am from Australia also) what water do you drink. I drink pureau but I think it may be too filtered?
so glad to hear u are doing so well :)
aries :)

Divaswearred's picture

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for posting this. Can I ask, did you or anyone get better than worse at the beginning?