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Just wanting to share about sex, and hear some feedback. I am in the midst of a sex flare, which is no fun. 

I have been in treatment for 4.5 months. I have had IC since January 1, 2013, after a night of ecstatic love with my partner. I do not have severe IC, but let's say it definitely stands in the way some days of the "normal" activities in life. I try not to judge it, because I know that it's relative, everyone has a different experience of it.

SEX. I have had IC type issues ever since I began having sex, probably for various reasons. I spent my teens on antibiotics because I tended to have bouts of pain after sex, which may or may not have been UTI's-I doubt they were in hindsight. 

My bladder pain has decreased significantly since starting with Boaz, and I even have windows of pain free time some days. However, I know that when I have sex, especially if I have an orgasm, I have pain, usually not right away, but 6-12 hours after, and for around 12-24 hours. I want to be sexual with my wonderful partner, but I know that there is usually an aftermath. I have accepted this, and do my best to know that it will pass.

My question: What is your experience with sex? For those in later treatment, how has it improved? Any tips for making sex less painful afterward or minimizing the post sex flares?


Annika's picture

Hey Julie, I´ve been having IC since January 2013 as well and in the beginning Sex was an absolute no go. I tried once in March for a few seconds and it hurt like hell and put me into a 2 day flare with very strong urgency and pain which started 5 hours later. I started treatment in May and tried Sex again in July. Surprise surprise, it was possible and I only had some discomfort for a few hours. I noticed that I had less discomfort when he didn´t get too deep, when you know what I mean. I think it was around August/September when I noticed that I can have sex without any limiting restrictions at all. Some days when I flare from new foods or change in protocol I cannot have sex of course, but that doesn´t happen very often actually. I´ve heard from quite a few patients who were not able to have sex in the beginning and now they can totally enjoy it. You will get there! 

Juliesummerstar's picture

Thanks for sharing! :)
We are all so unique in our IC, and recovery process. We all share this one lesson about slowing down, listening to our bodies...
Much love

Claire's picture

Hey Julie,
My IC began when I first started having sex as well and continues to be my main flare-causer even after 2.5 years in treatment.  I would say I now flare a little more than half the time after sex.  Even when I was in remission from IC, I would get bladder issues post-sex.  I feel like it has really shaped my attitudes about sex throughtout my life and impacts my sexuality in a very profound way.  If I could fix the sex issue that IC causes, I'd be fairly OK to live with the rest of the inconveniences!
That said, it does improve during treatment, so stay the course and I'm sure you'll notice good changes!  I'm sure Matia has told you to wash before and after and pee right after.  For awhile she was having me take goldenseal after as well.  I also find that hanging out in a hot shower or bath will soothe me and help me sleep. 

Juliesummerstar's picture

Thanks so much Claire! :)

deir's picture

The worst issue for me- could write a book and maybe will later!
One tip that has worked for me is to put a heating pas between my legs after an orgasm. I think it helped relax the muscles so there is less lymph action.

Juliesummerstar's picture

Yes I was joking about having my crotch sock on. It's a sock with rice in it. I like the way it fits there. :)
I know for me I have held a lot of unconscious tension for many years around sexuality because of my own personal history and spiritual journey. I have become conscious of this now, and relaxation and breathing during sex is important.
Love and light.

Divaswearred's picture

Have recently started into sex again. Initially helps, then usually a flair. It just feels wonderful to have my libido back so strongly and to reconnect again. I've had bladder inflammation since feb 2012. Started treatment in sept 2013. In the trenches right now mentally and physically...:/

Divaswearred's picture

Oh and afterwards we do a healing prayer over it. The love just seems so worth it to me but dr. Boaz says to limit how much we are intimate.

Juliesummerstar's picture

Thanks so much for your comments!