Gut Bacteria And Mood

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Someone just brought this article to my attention, it was listed on the article I posted yesterday.

This one speaks aabout the connection between gut bacterial and mood. And while what these researchers found was intersting, I think they have only scratched the surface. My guess is that they will uncover a mass of connectivity between emotion and gut flora.

I have noticed incredible changes in people's emotional expression over the years as they have gone through treatment. Whereas the often exhibit moderate to sometimes quite extreme anxiety disorders, those issues reduce and eventually nearly disappear as they regain their healthy balance. This has even included symptoms of "OCD". To me this is quite interesting as, in Chinese medicine, obsessive thought patterns is related to a digestive system imbalance and this is the modern example of that and that treating it in this way can help so much.

There are millions of neurons in our digestive tract, this is the other connection to why the bacteria would effect our emotions, in my opinion. How those neurons effect our bodies in terms of which organs are effected less or more may impact the type of emotion we experience through gut flora changes. IN Chinese medicine we correlate all the various emotions with each organ and the type of imbalance. This also helps give us a clue about the imbalance.

Here is the article:|utmccn=(referral)|utmcmd=referral|utmcct=/blog/mbrizman/2012/08/23/struggling-weight&__utmv=14933801.|8=Earned%20By=msnbc%7Chealth%7Cvitals=1 


calieve's picture

Well I have been dealing with depression, and anxiety for a loooooong time. So I know this is true. 
Also I know my family members have an imbalance too, that all started with my Mom. My Mom has bi-polar, and Paranoia. My Brother is schizophrenic, and all my siblings have anxiety problems. 
I do notice though that when I have good days, and I feel good all around. I don't have any anxiety or depression. So one day I will get to the pooint when that will be all days.