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Hi everyone! I have been a patient of Boaz for a little whilel now. I am also 8 weeks pregnant, while excited over the news I am quite overwhelmed obviously dealing with pregnancy and IC. Prior to pregnancy my only symptom was severe urinary urgency and frequency. Since being pregnant I still have only the urgency issues however it has become quite a bit worse especially at night I am easily getting up every 20 min to pee:( Boaz has instructed me to continue with food list one, however I throw up most things on those list especially meat. I realize this is due to the nasea in first trimester and it will subside but this last week I literally wasn't keeping anything down. Boaz also doesnt want me taking any nasea meds from my OBGYN. So the cravings have been so strong that I caved and have been eating fruit, but that's really all. I am just so overwhelmed and dont know what to do anymore. I think that cutting out gluten and dairy does help but my symptoms change so much and I have no trigger foods, since I have no pain per say, I simply feel like I have to pee all the time. I'm hoping the increase in frequency is due to hormones in pregnancy but am so worried it will just get worse and even after baby I will get worse. I have changed all my products to natural stuff like soap etc, drinking spring water but seriously nothing seems to be working. Anyone else pregnant or been pregnant would love some feedback, I feel so lost! On another note I am glad to be a part of this fabulous group. As far as I'm concerned each one of you is strong and courageous, you gotta be going thru this stuff:) hope everyone is having a decent night!

fahlmank's picture

Welcome to out community and CONGRATULATIONS on your pregnancy! I completely understand your anxiety- you are certainly dealing with a lot at once. Know that you are incredibly knowledgable and capable care- that in and of itself is a miracle. I have had IC on and off since the age of 19. I am now 32and have two happy and healthy girls while experiencing various stages of IC. I came to Dr. Brizman after my second daughter was about 14 months old - when I relapsed into pretty severe IC. The positive news is that my bladder pain is 90% better after two years of care. 
     I share this with you to give you hope and to know that others have successfully had pregnancies during symptomatic IC. The first trimester is the toughest regarding symptoms due to the incredible increase in hormones along with the "normal" uncomfortable pregnancy issues. Although you will probably be uncomfortable for awhile, I highly doubt you will become worse- as you stated- after your little bundle of joy is born. You will find your balance. There are two thoughts that truly comforted me during both my pregnancies, which I enjoyed ( most of the time;)- this is for a finite amount of time and just focus on right now. The projection of what "might be" is a stressful use of my energy. You will heal- you are just dealing with many stressors at once right now.... So rely on us on this board- this is a great group of women to ask questions.
Again- Congratulations!

jessicamackenzie's picture

Hello and congratulations on your pregnancy.  I just wanted to say that from what I understand about IC, the first trimester is the worst due to hormones, so don't fear the rest of your pregnancy or post pregnancy.  I too notice more of a link with hormones to symptoms than with certain foods.  Although, as I have gotten better, I notice that eating the correct balanced proportions does help reduce frequency. My pregnancy was before IC so I can;t offer any advice based on experience, but it sounds like you are doing all the right things, and your body will find balance again. Given the temporary circumstance you are under with nausea and cravings, I would probably be eating whatever 'healthy' unprocessed foods I could keep down, keeping the philosophy of the diet in mind.  Maybe try a proper protocol meal in the evening if your nausea is better at that time of day. Just a thought, have you tried crisp/fruit like vetables?  Hang in there, this too will pass.  Write down all your questions for Boaz as you think of them. 

hazymarie's picture

Thank you both so much for the encouraging words! I'm trying to not be too hard on myself and just take it one day at a time. One other question I often wonder about is regarding some type of underlying infection. I've never actually had a uti but was tested for ureplasma and strep B awhile back and had both in my urine which I was treated for. I don't think Boaz believes IC to be an infection persay and while I agree with him since even before pregnancy I often feel my symptoms are progressing so I worry that maybe I have some bacteria in there that may not heal thru diet alone. I know some have used antibiotics for months at a time to get thru some type of biofilm that eventually kills the infection. Anyway not sure if you guys have any thoughts on that :)

calieve's picture

IC is the result of a gut imbalance where the bad bacteria outnumbers the good bacteria. The protocol usually includes probiotics, to add more good bacteria to your gut, and herbs, to help deal with your symptoms. 
Antibiotics kill the good bacteria, and bad. But once the good bacteria are gone the bad take over. So antibiotics will make you more sick in the long run.
There are so many articles on this website that you can read more info on this.

CO's picture

Hi there!
I am 29 weeks pregnant and in treatment with Dr. B. I know how you feel, i was so worried at the start of the pregnancy when my symptoms got worse. But at about 17 weeks, things improved and i have been doing great since!
I also had cravings for sweet things, it is much harder to control during pregnancy. (i am on list 5 but have to be very careful with sweet things, like sugar and agave.) I would make a smoothy of yoghurt and some raspberries and a splash of orange juice. My bladder would tolerate this, and the yoghurt would add protein and good bacteria! I would only have one a day. 
I was so worried that every increase in frequency, urgency, or a new type of pain was IC. Dr. B said that many symptoms are from pregnancy, and inflammation from ic will be exacerbated by the pregnancy hormones, especially at the start. So it is not permanent.
Hope this helps! Congratulations and relax as much as possible, i wish i had done at the start when i now know that things got better.

CO's picture

Sorry, I meant to say: I have to be really careful with fruit and agave:-)

CO's picture

Sorry, I meant to say: I have to be really careful with fruit and agave:-)

blondy's picture

Congratulations on your pregnancies! 

hazymarie's picture

Thank you for your reply and congratulations to you as well! Thank you for sharing your experience, it's nice to know I'm not alone:) I'm trying to ease up on myself, these cravings are intense. I'm trying to enjoy the pregnancy even what with this dreaded frquency but since my symptoms have never been this bad I am hoping its mostly due to the pregnancy and that after the baby I am sooooo hoping I can get some relief!

calieve's picture

It sounds like a combo of both the pregnancy hormones and you IC.
Since you are on list 1 and wanting fruit, maybe you should try the fresh veggies like cucumber, and celery. Or maybe you can shred some potatoes and mix with egg and fry up like a pancake. 
I hope you feel better soon!

calieve's picture

Also you should ask the dr if you can have any acceptable cheat food when you really have a craving like blueberries or raspberries. hope you can hang in there.

sjc89's picture

Hi everyone!
First let me say how encouraging it is to read other people's experiences - I cried and cried when I finally found this site.
I'm not even sure if I'm "allowed" to post yet because I haven't actually seen Dr. Boaz Brizman yet (my first appointment is on April 8th), but I'm desperate for some advice.
I'm 13 1/2 weeks pregnant, and my IC has definitely been worse since becoming pregnant (which I attribute mostly to all the extra hormones). I am so ready to find some relief and do whatever it takes to start feeling better that I have kind of begun (since Saturday) to follow phase 1 of the diet. My intent is to get as much of a head-start as possible before seeing Dr. Brizman and before the baby is born in August (I'm terrified of being in this much pain/discomfort as a new mother). My only concern is that it contains no dairy and no fruit whatsoever, and as difficult as it would be for me to give up cheese and fruit for a while, I could do it as long as I was sure it wouldn't harm the baby.
I'm taking some high-quality multivitamins, folic acid, and vitamins B/G every day, but I'm wondering it these would be enough to make up for what I'd be lacking by following phase 1 even until I see Dr. Brizman. Has anyone had a similar experience, or does anyone have any advice?
Thank you so much!! :)

deir's picture

I think you can get enough nutrients from list one and actually th multi vitamin may be exacerbating things. I actually think (not fact just a thought!!!) you might be better off eating list 2 and stopping the vitamin. there may be pregnant patients with better advice. Also- your appointment is so soon! I wonder if you could call the office and ask them about the vitamins?

Mimij67's picture

Sarah I am so glad you posted. I am VERY worried about the vitamin too. You WILL feel better as you get further into your pregnancy I just know it. Please, please note that any folic acid levels that you need for your baby, you needed PRE-CONCEPTION! Not now. the levels already need to be circulating when the embryo implants in the uterus. Many many pregant women can not take a Pre-natal during pregancy (by the way, note the name of the vitamin; "PRE" natal). Now I can be quite sure this is aggrevating your bladder symptoms. Of course talk to your OB but you will get a whole different picture of your health though this healing process. You will be learning so much. I agree with Deirdre, maybe list 2 for you until you have your appointment. Maybe have a few blueberries. Do not worry about your baby. The baby will pull everything it needs from whatever you have already stored up. Boaz will take care of your nutritional needs. I did not take any vitamins during preganancy and my kiddos are perfect. The Bomamed doctors may give you a whole food vitamin supplement (no fractionated vitamins) which will nurish you and the baby and not exacerbate your IC. Keep us posted!

If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.

sjc89's picture

Ladies, thank you so much for the advice and encouragement! I believe I will take the advice to stick with list 2 plus some blueberries. I just went to the supermarket and bought some (and an avocado, which makes my salad SO much more tasty)! :)
It's ironic that I literally just ran out of my folic acid and was going to buy more before I read your comment, Mimi - now I'll just stick to the multivitamin until I talk to Dr. Brizman. What a pleasant surprise it would be if NOT taking it actually helped me to feel better!
Thank you again! I'm sure I'll be back with more questions throughout this healing process... :)

DLFox123's picture

Hello - Welcome
FYI - I don't believe that there is anyone out there that vitaimins - except for vitaming D (which I wouldn't take if you're not already taking without talking to her) was recommended for treatment.  As crazy as it sounds - it's shocking what actually irritates your bladder.  There have been certain things that I've been hell bent on trying - I've regretted almost every one of them.  I do know that I was told not to take Vitamin B-s - I was sure that it would help my anxiety - tried it anyway - hurt like hell.  I've had natural paths that I've seen to help with my anxiety - with Dr. B's knowledge.  Everything they suggested that I tried - while helping with the anxiety put me back into pain....Thank goodness Dr Matia as so understanding.
I truly believe that you're in the right place -
All my best

sjc89's picture

Oh, Denise - thank you! I really, really appreciate that. The more I hear on this site, the more confident I am that I am indeed in the right place to start feeling better.
My vitamin B tablets are almost gone anyway, so I won't bother to take any more until I see Dr. Boaz.
Thank you again for the kind welcome and advice! :)

Mimij67's picture

Yes Sarah I am so excited you have found these doctors. Agree with Denise that the mulitvitamin can be aggrivating your symptoms too. Even certain high vitamin foods such as extra virgin olive oil will flare us early on in treatment because you have a leaky gut and your immune system is over-reacting to everything. Please do buy Dr. Brizman's dissertation on the Bomamed website where you can read all about this.

If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.

sjc89's picture

Oh, I see... I knew there had to be a logical reason for avoiding high vitamin foods early on! I have been considering purchasing Dr. Brizman's dissertation because I'm sure it would be so insightful - thanks again for the tips!