Hi everyone!

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Hi everyone!

First of all sorry if my english is not very good. I am Spanish and I have been in this forum for nearly two years, but I never had the courage to write a post, though I think this is a very helpfull forum with a lot of good information and all your mesages are hopefull. I am not able to travel to EEUU at this moment , but if I do not improve as I did last year I wil have to considere this option.

I have a long story and I would not want to anoy you with all the details, so I will try so resume it as much as I can

 I started with IC symptoms after a UTI in december 2010 , so more than three years ago.

I could  not understand what was happening to me because I had never had a UTI before and was a very healthy woman (aparently) The thing is that at the same time of developing this UTI I also started with other healthy problems , vaginal and virus  infections mainly . My doctor only gave me antibiotic after antibiotic , thought the cultures were negative and I did not improve . Finaly I went to a very famous uro in my conuntry, he discovered a cyst in my bladder and decided to operate me in order to remove it , because he was not sure if it could be the cause of my symptoms.The Cyst was benignus, but after the operation all my symptoms werestill more  exhacerbatedand he diagnosed me with IC

I tried conventional IC treatments  for a  time, but they did not help me. My main symptoms have always been urgency, frecuency and pressure, and sometimes pelvic pain. I was diagnosed also with ureaplasma in my vagina , surely due to the big amount of antibiotics I had taken.  I took again a month of doxicicline to get rid of this infection. I took in total 13 tretaments of antibiotics in a year.BIG BIG  MISTAKE!

Time went on and I was desperate because  I started to develop also other symptoms like headaches, anal itching , back pain, all symptoms intestinal candida related (but I did not know at that moment)

Finaly after a year and a half strugling,  I found a naturist doctor  in my country , 700 km far from my city , but he saved my life He told me surely most of my symptoms were due to an intestinal candida overgrowth and after a pretreatment he  put me in treatment for the candida .After geting rid of the candida and with the help of other natural  suplements for my bladder I was a 80% better in only seven months . I then started to improve and was a 95 % better for the next 9 months until I did a very big mistake .

My big mistake, is that I picked up a throathAand lung infection and I did not call my naturist doctor (I now know how important is to call your naturist doctor when you are having other  health issues ) I went to the hospital because I could not breath and the urgent care doctor gave me antibiotic and cortiesteroids for 12 days. I had been feeeling so well with my baldder for so many months that I thought I was cured from my IC,and I was desesperated with the troath infection that had extended to my lungs  I called my naturist after having taking such a bomb for my health because I had still bretah problems and you cna imagine what he told me . I had done a very big mistake and I should have called him before takinng such a medicine . Well, the thing is that I was doing monthly  ihaluronic instills at the same time with my uro, I was finishing the instills course and with the last instill I picked up an infection which drove me out of remission. I know my body was totaly inbalanced after the steroids and the antibiotics and that was the reason why I picked up the infection. Again I was on holidays when I developed the infection and again I took antibioticas I did not now how to manage an infection with  naturally methods

Since october I have been trying to restore my body balance  and in the month of december I was improving very much , but again I picked up an intestinal virus in january  wich I think  has mesed my intestines  and I am trying to balance again.

I wanted to say hello to all of you, and to tell you that the natural route is the best, I am now sure and I have payed very much my ignorance about this. I encourage you to be patient as I amd sure all of you will be again in balance with your body and your symptoms will improve or disapear for always.

I just have a doubt , I am having  vaginal candida these days, and I am not sure if it is a way of cleanse or it could be that the intestinal virus has destroyed my flora and the candida has grothw again.I am feeling better in terms of my bladder these days, and I had the candida levels OK when I was tested in november so that is why I am not sure, Can you give me your opinion about this? I also had vaginal candida last year when I was in remission , and my bladder felt a 90% better so that is why I am not sure .

My best wishes and encourage to all of you.



blondy's picture

Hi Monic,, thank you for sharing your story. If your naturopath helped you so much, he/she may be able to continue guiding you on your healing journey. It is rarely that someone understands details of this condition and able to achieve such results.

jessicamackenzie's picture

Thanks for sharing, it is great to hear your bladder is doing well through a natural route.  As far as candida levels, in my opinion, it makes sense that high levels of candida happen after an intestinal infection as your flora is rebalancing.  All the best, Jessica

Star gazer's picture
Star gazer

Hi Monic, 
So glad that you found this website for support. That is so great that you found such a helpful doctor in your country. Treating IC naturally is the way to go.  Do you have facebook? We have another support group on facebook and another recipe group. I can add you if you message me. Hopefully, you get over to the estados unidos soon to completely clear up all the remaining symptoms you have!! xoxo, Kim

cprince's picture

Hi Monic! Thanks for sharing your story. I agree it sounds like you have found a great Dr and hope you will find your way back to 100% health. Wishing you all the best on your journey, yeast is no fun, and does show that your system has a ways to go to clear the systemic yeast!

monic433's picture

Thank you to all of you! I
I have an apoinment with my naturist doctor in 15 days and I hope we can solve this last candida problem soon. I also believe that the intestinal virus has mesed my flora and I am having the consecuences these days. I have sent you a message star gazer as I would be interested forming part of your group.
I wil be in contact with all of you
Thnak you so much!
Best wishes for your healing path.

Mimij67's picture

HI I do worry because of your ABX  history and the fact that you have had many secondary infections that it is all related to your systemic imbalance and if i were in your shoes I would consider making the trip to see the ICAMA doctors.   I don't really understand this idea of intestinal infection. Did you have an accute infection that cleared quickly, as in Diahreah? If your gut flora is out of balance the ICAMA docs can help you safely rebalance it.  Natropaths can help treat systemic yeast. The only problem is that they can unknowingly treat the yeast very hard which for people with IC can feed the wrong microbes in your gut and contribute to the dybiosis in your gut which perpetuates the problem. The reason you have overgrowth in your vagina is because your gut is out of balance. So this is not strictly a vaginal issue in my opinion.You probably also know that if you are having vaginal candida, that the candida is throughout your body. THe ICAMA doctors can be your resource also for any other infection or issue that comes up once you are in treatment. They can also be a resource for your children's health. I have read of many people getting nearly back to balance with a Natropath but needing the ICAMA doctors to get them all the way. Also I am sure you know from reading this forum that there really is not a "cure" for IC, there is only a path to walk to keep your body in balance and symptom free. We walk this path through all the choices we make every day. I personally would not want to be on this path without the support of ICAMA and I too have worked with a natropath. Natropaths know a lot. Chinese Medicine doctors know a lot. I personally chose to treat with a doctor that has been succesfully treating this for 20 years.  Best of luck!

If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.

monic433's picture

Hi Mimi!
Thank you very much for your encouraging message. I can not go at this moment to L.A. but, as I told in my fist message, it is something I have been thinking about a long time ago. Before going to my naturopath doctor in may2012 I was thinking on visiting ICAMA , but I was financially destroyed due to this condition and the large number of visits to several doctors, and other naturist. doctors that could not help me at all. I know perfectly what you say about diferent chinise and natropath doctors that have no idea how to deal with this condition. I have sufffered it so many times before finding my actual natropath doctor.He is not specialized in IC , and I know it , he is specialized in candida and other conditions like cronic fatigue symdrome, IBS , but at this moment I can not go to LA., butm,aybe in august that is when I can enjoy my holidays at work I can visit ICAMA. Do you know if ICAMA  work all the year or they pick holidays in summer?
I know what you say about vaginal candida and candida overgrowth , I have been sucessfully  treated for this by my natropath in 2012  , but the probelm is that in august 2013  I took antibiotics again (without my natropath aproval )for a UTI and my body imbalanced again. It was my fault and I payed it so much. I was recovering the balance again in december but I was afected by an intestinal flu virus. (yes the one you have for about two days with a lot of diahrrea) and I think he destroyed my gut flora and the candida did her apearance again so now I have to recover my flora  and fight the candida  that is not only in my vaginal area , but in my gut .
Thank you again for your words, a girl I know from Spain is visiting ICAMA in march so I will be informed by her r and I am also in your facebook group so we wil be in contact.
Kind regards

Nika's picture

Hi Monica! Glad to find you here. (for all: I'm the "girl" (thanks!) she was speaking about, we know each other from a Spanish IC-forum and also from private emails). By the way, this is my first post here as I have just registered. But most of you know me already from the FB. Just imagine that we even shared the same naturopath! I'm also (officially still) in treatment with the same naturopathic doctor as Monica, however I doubt I wil make another appointment, as I have already made up my mind to try Icama and have this appointment end of March. Things are still uncertain as I need a Visa to the US and will have my interview at the embassy next Wednesday. If all goes smoothly, next week I'll buy the ticket and look for accomodation.
Though I already asked this question on FB, I repeat it here: if anybody living in LA has a spare room to rent for 5 days or even a (cheap, affordable, simple) small appartment, please tell me! Thank you! I don't want to stay in a hotel, I want to be able to cook my meals and also can't afford eating out everyday...
Monica: of course I will keep you informed about everything related to Icama you'd like to know: the appointment itself, the treatment they prescribe me, the way of getting the herbs and so on shipped to Spain. This will be hard, I'm sure, as I don't know anybody yet who has had those herbs and probiotics shipped to Spain - to other European countries yes, but not to Spain - and there's no one I can ask about, so I will have to discover everything all by myself and on the way I will make lots of mistakes. It's a pity we can't make this trip together and share the long flight, the flat, the kitchen, cook some List1-dinners together, do some sight-seeing. I will be doing all this all on my own. Well, it will be hard but I'll survive. It's true, in Spain many people are tied to the office hours and it's very typical for Spanish firms to only allow their staff going on holiday in August. Luckily my company is not like this and I have a few spare vacation days from the last year left, that's why I'll do it in March. However, it would be so much nicer to have company.
About the naturopathic doctor, yes I agree that he's a great professional. I just had a gut feeling that his treatment was not for me. After a bit of touching my belly, he told me straight away I DID NOT HAVE IC. I should have been relieved and happy, but my gut feeling told me he might be mistaken. Anyway, the treatment consisted in a triple gluten-free, dairy-free and non-irritant diet and lots of supplements. He had me tested on candida and lgA and did NOT forbid me sugar unless I tested positive for candida, which I did not. It wasn't until a month or so later, when I started reading more and more Icama blog and forum, that I realized this diet was probably not right for me. On my own I decided to quit sugar and start eating butter again (against the non-dairy instruction), maintaining however the other constraints. Until now I only eat goat dairy which he allowed, with butter as the only exception, and have been gluten-free for more than 2 months, until only recently when I started making spelt bread (Rita's spelt and kamut bread from Icama recipes), but still eat no wheat and don't miss it, spelt is great. Ah! Well, I started to have a bit of low acid decaff coffee each morning. This way I'm adapting my diet step by step to make it more Icama-like until I have my first appointment and am put on List 1 (which will be very hard, now I eat more or less like List 3). So yes, it's a great doctor and I'm sure he would help me a lot if my main problem was candida/yeast, but it seems the root of my IC lies elsewhere, might be even more complicated to treat even though my symptoms are not that bad, so I'm gonna put myself in the hands of experts - the ones who dedicated their lives to treat this illness/imbalance.
If you decide to do the same one day, at least you'll have a friend here who has already done it and who speaks your language. :-)
¡Un abrazo!

monic433's picture

Hi Nika!
Thank you very much for your words . Do not worry because you have to travel alone and start this experience alone. I am sure you will be always helped by other patiens of ICAMA and I will be there whenever you have any doubt I can help you ,thought by the moment we follow diferent paths to heal us. Be brave and be patient with the diet , the treatments , the die off, the periods of doubts,because they will be folllowed by hapinness days , where you will enjoy your life again being sure that you are healing from the root .
We will be in contact, ,my best wishes with the visa, I ma sure you wil get it!
Best regards

deir's picture

So nice Monica! Best of luck to you.