Bowel movements are fundamental to our health of course. When I began practicing, I used to ask people if they were constipated. Most of the time people would say, "no, never!" Well, I quickly learned to stop asking questions in that way because most people do not know the meaning of that word. I soon began to realize that most people answering my question were only going once per week. I actually had a patient this week tell me that her gastroenterologist told her, an MD, that going once per week is totally fine! That just is incredulous to me. In any case, most of my days are filled with discussions over pooping. Today, one of my patients drew my attention to a chart which, may be helpful for many of you to see, so that you could use this chart to describe your bowel movement to me. I know, I know a lovely subject right? Well, yes! Because, we all do it! And, our BMs are a huge indication of our internal health.
I read the article and couldn't help but giggle. And by looking at the scale i realized that ive experienced each one, though usually on the lower end of the scale. Gross subject, but its so true that when i don't go, my whole body feels off and uncomfortable.
The chart is actually very helpful. I've been wondering how an 'ideal' poop looks, it's especially confusing to those of us who have been dealing with a chronic condition and years of being in the less than ideal range. I was pleased to learn that what I thought was weird looking poop is actually more in the 'ideal' range. Thank you!
I'm crazy, lol!
This will sound ridiculous but I've kept a poop record for several years! I have had constipation so bad throughout my life, I feel that for now I have to keep track of my bowel movements. So everyday on my calendar I write small initials to let me know if I went or didn't go and if it was a small bm, large bm, or regular. This helps me with appts, so I know what has been going on. And it's kind of interesting to watch bowel patterns and times of business and stress, with those activities being marked on the same calendar. Call me crazy, but this works for me!