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Hello all! When you are anxious do you have troubles with constant diarrhea and indigestion? I can't get my anxiety under control and my stomach is so upset. Just wondering what others experiences are when dealing with anxiety?

Mimij67's picture

CP I have delt with anxiety. BUt low grade and for me it seems to be constipating. HAve you looked into a mindfullness meditation class? Mindfullness practice is something you can do anywhere (you don't have to set aside time to meditate, although you can). Anyway the clinical research on Mindfullness Practice has specific outcomes for improving digestion and also anxiety. There are other things like hypnosis or biofeedback, but I think mindfullness practice can be very helpful

If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.

Claire's picture

CP, I am in the same boat.  Especially when the anxiety has to do with relationships, I get major diarrhea and lose my appetite.  I don't have a great solution other than meditation or yoga nidra to try and calm myself down.  I'm thinking of you lots lately and hope you're hanging in there!

ellafinn's picture

I don't have digestion issues but when my stress and anxiety is high my bladder gets worse every time. Anxiety/stress is definitely my biggest trigger. 

cprince's picture

Thanks ladies! Working on finding my inner peace! One day at a time! One moment I think I'm got a grip the next I'm a total basket case! :(

Rachel Ann's picture
Rachel Ann

Hey CP, I have been thinking about you a lot lately.  I am praying tonight for you that peace will wash over you.  Usually when I get anxious, my bladder acts up.  But sometimes if I am really upset, my stomach will bother me.  
I have been listening to soothing music lately to calm my nerves.  Sometimes it is classical music, and sometimes the Pandora Barry Manilow station, haha!
Sending love and hugs!

cprince's picture

Thank you Lisa! I am losing the battle again tonight, but tomorrow is a new day, and hoping I can start seeing the silver lining in all this! But, for now I'm just hoping I'm not ruining any progress I have made with how unsettled I feel with my life!:( thanks for the prayers I'm going to need all the strength to make it through for a while. Lots of urgent appointments with Dr. M has been helpful, but could really use an appointment everyday the way my body feels, and the "I promise everything will be ok" pep talk is always appreciated! Pulling out my old CD's and listening to some Enya as I type this! :) Lots of love to you all!