leg pain- die-off?

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Something very strange happened this week. Par for the course, really, with this treatment but it never ceases to amaze me when something happens that proves that its working. I gave up coffee. For good. Im stalling in treatment, have had a rough time lately and I was putting off getting rid of my last treat/lifeline but in the end I did it on sunday. Days of headaches and fogginess, ouch. So on wednesday I woke up and my lower body- hips, legs, calves- felt like they were on FIRE. Nervy, horrible pain that made it hard to sit still but hurt when I moved. The only way I could calm it was with a heat pack. it continued all day, woke me up that night ( in agony) and although lessened the next day, was still there and woke me up on thursday night too. On Friday it was less again but still painful. I was dead tired, grumpy, (almost in tears i was that exhausted!) and still in pain and had to go out on friday for a friend's birthday so I cheated a bit and had one coffee. Voila!! pain gone. and remains gone. My question is, (even though it seems very obvious to me i still would like to hear your opinion) was that pain die-off and by having a coffee did i interrupt the die-off process?? does it happen like that? it was within half an hour of drinking that coffee that my pain went. Has to be related?? Im in awe of how this process works and am never touchiing a coffee again! 

deir's picture

HI! Just wondering- why did you give up coffee? Do you feel like it is the reason your stalled?

ellafinn's picture

After this week- Im convinced it is the coffee that is holding me back. but thats just me of course, some people drink coffee all through this process and never have an issue with it.