Flaring badly and need encouragement and hopeful stories

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My bladder and vaginal symptoms have been flaring up really badly, especially this weekend.  I've been struggling the last few months, but this pain is some of the worst I've ever felt.  Matia is on vacation, so I haven't heard back from her yet. I think she is in a remote area.  The vaginal pain especially is super bad burning.  I'm reaching out because I could really use some empathy from people who have experienced this and some hope.


Tinkerbell7, if you are reading this, I was so encouraged by your posts regarding the urethral and vaginal burning and how it has calmed down for you.  I messaged you on facebook about it. :)

Claire's picture

I have so much empathy for you in this situation - I have been there and I know how rough it is.  You've not had an easy time lately and I truly feel for you.  It's time for a sea change in your health!  I wish I could do something to help, but please know that I'm holding you in my thoughts tonight. 


The times that I have been in really high pain, I always go to the bathtub and it makes it a bit more bearable.  I wish I knew what to tell you, but please know you're not alone and you WILL get through this. 



JessicaA's picture

RachelAnn- I'm so sorry your struggling in horrible pain. I know how you feel and it's horrible. Have you eaten anything differently or used any different products on your body?  

Mrs. A's picture
Mrs. A

Rachel Ann,
I am praying for relief for you. I know this pain, only in my bladder and bowels were my painful areas. Very warm baths while drinking hot water were the way I got through it. Then lying in bed with an ice pack sipping more hot water. I don't know why hot water helped me, and a lot of it, but it did. If the pain became unbearable, back into the tub with warmest water I could stand.

I have been in treatment almost three years, and it will get so much better. I haven't had a bladder flare in well over a year. And I haven't had an intestinal flare in over six months. May you get through this rough patch quickly!

cprince's picture

Rachel Ann, I am so sorry! I know it is hard in these moments and know you can't reach Dr. M was in similar situation this weekend, but more for nausea and vomiting, but dealing with incresed vaginal/urethral things right now as well. I live in a hot bath in times of desperation. Also, lots of cold yogurt I apply between my hot baths. I hope you find some much needed relief soon!  

deir's picture

I hop ething shave eased up a little for you by now. I always try to remember that your cousin had a terrible flare before getting well. I am always confused as to how I could be getting better when things always seem to revert back to the worst levels (of course not for as long or as badly as you) but I remember her story and it gives me hope. (((((Hug))))))

Rachel Ann's picture
Rachel Ann

Thank you all so much!  Hearing from you really helps.


I wish baths would help, but somehow my vaginal tissues are too sensitive and it hurts more than helps.  I have been using a hot pack on my abdomen and other various places and an ice pack ocassionally for relief.  Sometimes drinking hot water helps, and sometimes it makes things worse.  To be honest, I've been getting through this with Vicodin, which is something I really don't like to do, but I was ready to go to the emergency room with this pain.  If it doesn't get better soon, I still might do that.


Matia has been great during this time and she understands my need to take pain meds right now.  I've been through times of great pain without the meds and have gotten through, but this is a different level.  A month ago, I went back on Elavil to see if it would help with the pain, and at first I think it did, but now I am weaning off of it because I think it might be making things worse.  I am just trying to figure out how to get back on the right track again.  I am getting a full blood panel done this week and I will probably get a thorough urinalysis done also.


I will keep you guys updated on everything as I find out more information.

deir's picture

 Oh- I am so sorry. Maybe the vicodin will help your body stop the pain cycle for a little while until Matia can help you get on a better track. I think extreme pain can be a vicious cycle. Praying for you

Mimij67's picture

I am so sorry to hear this!! Do you think the Elavil weaning has made things worse? I hope things calm down very soon!!!!! Do you think Dr. M would allow some hands on healing (gentle energy work) or hypnotherapy???

If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.

headley.patty@gmail.com's picture

I'm so sorry Rachel. I pray things improve quickly and Dr. M can help you get back on track.