Does antine else get the itchys? I get them all over but especially vaginally and rectally. Drives me crazy!!!!! If I cut my potatoes back to about twice a week I seem to do better. Had them quite a bit this weekend on my trip because of eating out and paying for it today :(
I would get them on and off,
I would get them on and off, sometimes would last for weeks, had them all over at various times and it does drive you crazy at times. I just figure it is die off and will pass each time
Itchign isn't always yeast.
Itchign isn't always yeast. Mine is a deep nerve type. Maybe it is related to yeast but not directly- if that makes sense- like I have no yeast discharge. It is horrible though!! I hope your eases up soon! ps- SO glad you had a great trip! You deserve it.
glad your trip went well! If
glad your trip went well! If you notice it is related to potatoes can you switch to brown rice or rice and/or eat less potatoes. When are you eating potatoes? Dr. M told me personally not to eat carbs with dinner since we are trying to zap the yeast. If it were me, I would have potatoes (when you have them) for breakfast, to give you energy, as they are not needed at the end of the day and provide more food for the yeast overnight.
If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.
I usually limit them Mimi to
I usually limit them Mimi to twicea week but I was so limited on my carbs this weekend that was all I had access to. Can't be 100 percent sure it's related but seemsto be a patten. Now that I am home withmore control over my diet I hope it will improve. It's certainly not as bad as pain :)but it does get to me sometimes. Thanks for all the replies.