Healing Update Sharing HOPE

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Hello, I just wanted to share some hope and a little year in update. I walked into Boaz's office a year ago having just tapered from Benzos, having tried all the really useless prescriptions for medication that my western doctors, bless their baffled hearts, plied me with. I was desperate, depressed, and afraid because I had been told this was "incurable." I had bladder pain, mostly, much of the time, and it could be 4-9 pain level any given day, mostly 6. Today I have bladder pain a few days of the month, but rarely hits 6. I am symptom free about 80 percent of the time, and forget all about my bladder much of the time, as well. I am physically strong and active and have a full life, which I can sustain. I have learned something very important from this journey of recovery, and that is to LISTEN to my body, and have strong BOUNDARIES. I am grateful for these lessons, they have been a real opportunity to grow. One thing I want to share with anyone here is that I have learned that this is a bumpy road! The graph's trajectory is UP but it goes up and down on its way up. This is why though we are sticking to protocol and taking the right herbs and doing what we are supposed to we still have rough patches. Our bodies are CLEANSING and DETOXING! This does not feel good. I went through a patch where I felt much worse than I did before treatment, and then I turned a major corner. I became aware of this pattern-the rough patch and then new plateau connection. So finally, at 10 months, i began slowly, slowly to turn a MAJOR corner. At 12 months, I realized that my pain levels had decreased dramatically. Now even in the midst of a little ovulation irritation I know all is well and I am on the road to wellness. I know my bladder's here but it's not my focus. This process will work, but it is a long road that requires a commitment to heal on all levels. I have been healing not just my body but my relationship to myself and others, as well. It may be a long challenging healing journey, but it has certainly been one of HOPE for me. I just want anyone out there suffering to know that it WILL GET BETTER. HANG IN THERE. LOVE TO ALL.

deir's picture

Wow! That is fantastic and you are very lucky!  A year seems like a very short time to make such great leaps and bounds!! I am sure you have given hope to many people.

Mimij67's picture

Wow! Yes, one year is very fast. Congratulations. Take good care to continue to "strengthen your core" as Dr. B says, and hope you don't slip into poor food choices again, etc....which I have heard is common for quick healers. Take care!

If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.

Sss7's picture

Omg reading that has made me feel so much better!! I have been feeling really really low for the last couple of days. I've been in treatment for 3 months (will be in a week) and I know that's relatively a very short time but I honestly feel so frustrated and fed up of all the restrictions. I feel like I've hit a wall in recovery, in fact it feels like I'm going backwards sometimes when things get rough. I was thinking exactly what you wrote above - I have hit a plateau. I definitely felt better in the first few weeks of starting the herbs and now I'm hovering around the same sort of intensity in symptoms. Very rarely will they go down. Mostly what happens is, it'll go up and up and then back down to the plateau level. It really stresses me out :( So very annoying when I can't figure out what is causing this.

Sorry for my rambling! Honestly you have no idea how much it means to me reading your post :) thank you for sharing the good news!

Can I just ask, did you or do you suffer from any burning - external, bladder, urethral?

thank you and hope you carry on with a speedy recovery x

Claire's picture

Hi Julie - thanks so much for sharing your positive experience with all of us!  I really like what you had to say about boundaries and listening to ourselves.  I agree wholeheartedly that this imbalance is a huge catalyst for figuring out how to better notice and advocate for our own needs. 


I hope you continue to see swift and consistent progress! xoxo