Controlled Substances

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The FDA is worried about controlling the distribution of raw milk and yet sugar is abundant and everywhere. This article is outstanding, speaking about sugar in the context of it being like the next tobacco. I personally think of it as stronger than that. Maybe one day we will have sugar anonymous. Sugar is addictive, it causes so many problems in the body and these problems translate into more and more inflammatory type problems and worse, some researchers have connected sugar with feeding cancer. 

But, this is hardly discussed. I was at a birthday party this weekend, and I love our friends, but, like all children"s birthday parties, there was tons of candy! Everywhere you go it is abundant and unavoidable. I am certain that if parents were more educated on this subject, they would not give their children so much of it, but, maybe a big part of the problem is that the parents are addicts as well.

If you try to keep all of this down in your fmailies life, it is very complex and often you and your children feel like outcasts. This becomes such an emotional issue. Anyway, I thought this article was very illuminating and spot on-sugar should be a controlled substance, and if not by the FDA by parents and teachers and all of the establishments that give it out as if it were something wonderful.





deir's picture

Dr brizman- there was a great srticle about the Sugar Industry in Mother Jones a few months back. It showed how the industry worked much like big tobacco worked to deliberate mislead the public about safety. It is a very interesting article.
I struggle so much with the candy and junk in school right now! If it was just the occasional homemade cupcake for someone's birthday it would be fine but it is so common for teachers to reward students with candy. I had to write a note saying my sons were allergic to artificial color. it helps a little but still doesn;t address the main issue! I was volunteering there a few weeks back and some kids came back from their Learning Support class- so these are kids with learning difficulties and they all had Jolly Ranchers. I assume they get candy as rewards every day. There is no such thing as moderation anymore so talking about moderation is pointless.

drbrizman's picture

Thank you! I will try and find the article and post.