The Impact Of The Positive and the Negative

Facebook iconTwitter iconGoogle icon real. Just like in Chinese medicine we speak of Yin and Yang. Positives and negatives exist everywhere in life, and it starts with each of us. The power of what we put forth in this world impacts not only everyone else, but ourselves.

The impact of how our thoughts and our expression reverberate out into the world effects the energy of those around us and oursleves, and I do believe may also have a massive impact, as we see in this article on our physiology. That  reaction inside of us of course in turn then may impact our state of wellness or unwellness. 

This is a state not to create any kind of blame on anyone for being sick in the first place at all, but rather to kind of underscore the imprortance of evolving positively as the human beings we are into a better form of ourselves, which, in my opnion is much of what life is all about-becoming kinder, wiser, more open. Our body feels all of the "moves" our mind makes and our mind feels all of the changes in our body as well. It is very much a two way street. So, by controlling what we put in our body-food, air, water, chemicals, etc.... , we may have a very positive impact on our psyche as the physical pay-off effects our brains. On the other hand, our positive thoughts exerted by our intellect and our will may also in turn help our bodies improve at a much more expeditious clip.

The highway between the mind and the body should be open and clear of obstalces so all of the energy may flow freely and all of the things that much travel in each direction may reach the intended destination.

None of us (most especially me) are perfect. But, doing all that we can do to improve ourselves and keep ourselves in the positive can help life and health be a more balanced place.

Food for thought today.

Dr.M & B


cprince's picture

I believe and have found this to be so true. Negativity is so detrimental to every aspect of our wellbeing and the effects stick with us way too long! I can still hear the hurtful words of my swim coach of how "hopeless" and what a "disgrace" I was to the team because after every event, whether I had just won the event or not, I required someone to pull me out of the pool because of an asthma attack. I finally had had enough and sadly left a sport I loved and was good at because how much this coach ripped apart my self esteem. I found the courage at my last meet, one that could have qualified me for state, I swam the slowest most relaxing race of my swimming career. I got pulled out of the pool for a different reason this meet and was verbally ripped apart in front of all the competitors. His words hurt terribly, but it was my decision and had finally had enough, and my parents supported my actions. Now knowing those actions were better for my health in more than one way. I now find myself trying to find my self worth once again, retraining and removing toxins from all aspects of my life is so difficult, but a battle worth fighting! Dr. M, your words and actions have definitely influenced my life. Thank you for giving me the strength and encouragement when I have needed it the most! I have my energy focused on feeding not only my body with healthy nontoxic substances, but also my mind. Not an easy task, but focusing on one moment at a time!

livandlex's picture

Yes, yes, yes!! So true <3

livandlex's picture

I love you CP! You are such a strong, resilient and kind soul! Keep your chin up girl!

cprince's picture

You are so sweet! Love you too, Claire!!! <3

drbrizman's picture

That's a great story Christina! You are lucky your parents supported you! What a great statement! And the more recent change? Just the beginning! So beautfiul to see you shine!



cprince's picture

I really can't believe it to this day that I had the courage to do what I had done, I've always been the pleaser. I try to find humor now about how it must have looked to the bystander who didn't know the situation. The coach forcing a team mate to carry me to the blocks to even get me to swim the event! I'm sure everyone was thinking look at that little brat, as the scene was unfolding. I had heard "get off your pitty potty and go swim, your hopeless," one too many times! I am finding that courage once again, and your words ringing in my ears, "stop worrying so much about what others think," and "it's better to cry now than for the rest of your life." Thank you Dr. M! <3

deir's picture

A big part of me absolutely believes this and I try to include joy and gratitude and good thoughts every day. Really my whole life is about recovery of my whole self. But another part of me is crying today because I feel a little blamed. Like- do people think I am a slow healer because I haven't been positive enough? I am sure some people do think that (and who cares what they think) but the worst is that on sad days like today, after I read something like this, I myself think it a bit and feel a little responsible for my lack of great progress after all this time and that is a heavy burden. So, I don't discount the part positive energy has on healing but how do we reconcile that to our own cases without blaming ourselves? Hope this makes sense.

cprince's picture

Deir, I feel the same way. That somehow I am to blame that I have been so unwell for so long and it's my fault that my life is falling apart because I was positive enough or wasn't trying hard enough. I feel like I am getting pretty good at making lemonade out of the lemons of life, but I know positive thoughts don't and can't always change everything, I so wish life worked that way! I would still have my dad and a supportive and loving husband in my life if positive thinking was all it took! LOL! You are strong a woman, hang in there! Hugs!!!

C's picture

Deir, I relate so much, I appreciate you posting that. And I felt the same reading this, blaming myself a little, and its hard because I feel like I've been incredibly positive for the past 2 years and got to a very happy and positive place, reading every positive book, meditating etc (I've been in treatment for 3.5 years which I think is the same as you) but the past 2 months, I'm struggling to stay positive as my symptoms are really bad lately almost as bad as before treatment, and not sleeping isn't helping my emotions either. I feel like I have used up all my positivity and I worry that I'll be worse because I feel so down right now, and like you that people will think I'm slow because I'm not positive enough. I feel also like yesterday and today I am finally accepting I am ill, and not pretending anymore that it's 'not that bad' to people and I worry that I'm giving into the IC. I'm just a big mix of feelings at the moment and wish I could get back the positivity or reconcile without blaming myself.

drbrizman's picture

To those of you who felt any amount of pointed blame here-please please go back and read what I said (sorry about the typos) : This is a state not to create any kind of blame on anyone for being sick in the first place at all, but rather to kind of underscore the imprortance of evolving positively as the human beings.

So my point is not at all about placing any blame. I think the reason anyone has a hard time with their process of getting well has to do with many things including the difficult process the body has to go through tho get over the chronic unwellness of this condition.

My goal in making this post was to lift spirits, not squash them. So, please know I am coming from a place of encouragment and am not bashing anyone.

It IS hard to stay positive when you feel awful-I have been there. But, to me that is life-you try, you do your best, your best to be present amidst the adversity in a positive way. No, not easy. And if you don't make it that day, try again. OR, if you don't make it for that five minute period, try in the next five minutes and so on.

One thing people often say, and I am hearing it here, is, "am I tricking myself into thinking I am better". That is not possible. But,...your brain can lead you in a direction a bit, yes.

I am likely not expressing everything I should here, but, again, I want to underscore the sentiment of-NO BLAME! We are human, we do our best each day. This is all we can do. But, just like we try to feed our bodies healthy food, we should try and feed our minds healthy emotions even in the face of adversity because ultimately, that does become positive energy for our body to function off of as well. is it the ONLY thing? No, but, it is one thing.

Dr.M & B

deir's picture

I hear ya! I don't feel blamed by you, Dr B!

C and CPrince- I really believe that just the fact that many of us have taken this step to heal, the fact that we are willing to make such dramatic lifestyle changes, withstand die off, allow our bodies to go through some symptoms that could possible otherwise be masked etc shows that we have deep seated hope and positive energy! This is a hopeful treatment plan that requires tenacity and strength so even on the bad days or hours you start over when you can, in the right direction.We can be proud of ourselves for being so brave!


C's picture

For me, I didn't feel blamed for getting this illness at all by your post, I don't think I explained myself very well, and I know I am responsible for a good chunk of getting this illness- poor diet medications, and accepting that is empowering to me because I can change that and am changing it and I like seeing where I went wrong, having a cause is very helpful, but some of it was out of my control too and I know that. Its just when being positive is a part of getting better, and I have been in a very positive place, worked on it and truly believed I was only a little bit away from getting better and symptom free and then I'm still not very well at 3.5 years I can't help but blame myself and think, well is it because I wasn't positive ENOUGH, when I truly believe I was-- which I think I need to look at and say well I'm just one of the tricky cases and no matter how positive I am it's going to take longer than I would like. Hope that makes sense, C

deir's picture

C- I totally understand what you are saying.

C's picture

thanks, Dier :)

cprince's picture

I hear you all! I didn't feel blamed! Self blame unfortunately has become second nature and something I'm working hard to change. It seems like one thing after another presents itself, causing a complete uphill battle and its me against the world! Things you think you had control over seem to completely crumble, but like Deir said we are strong just for sticking this out and finding our way with thankfully having found the one Dr. that refuses to give up on us! I am going to keep my chin up that maybe my luck will turn and have a little less to deal with or stress over!! Positive thoughts and deep breaths, each of us will get there, slow and steady one moment at a time!