Homeopathic Nosodes as an Alternative to Traditional Vaccination

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When I first becme interested in alternative medicine, it was homeo[pathy I fell in love with. However, that was later replaced with my love for Chinese medicine. That in mind, I still have a deep respect and love for homopathy because it's effectiveness can be quite incredible. I use it for my daughter for example when she is stung by bees which she is highly allergic to and it is just stunning how effective it is. In anycase, I thought this was a very useful article to share which contains links to research conducted on this subject. I realize that this is not IC, but, this is for those of us who are mothers with a lot of questions for our children:)




atraylor's picture

Just curious, is your daughter's reaction to bees localized or systemic.  My daughter had an anaphlactic reaction to 1 fire ant bite.  It was a huge systemic reaction. 

drbrizman's picture

It is local, but quite bad-severe. Interestingly-I had a patient years ago with anaphalactic reaction to wasps. He had to carry an epi pen with him everywhere. We had been doing this treatment for two years when he was stung. And, for some strange reason, he decided to wait to inject himself with the epipen. Nothing happened! The treatment had changed the way his immune system was functioning.

For bite reactions just FYI Apis is the remedy. And now I am forgetting if it is C or x that is the better of the two. The efficasy is very markedly different. I will have to look it up. Drs would say it is similar, but, I found in one of mymany homeopathic books a small paragraph that stu=ipulates otherwise, and in my daughter it was pretty remarkable the difference.

The thing about homeopathy is that it can also go the other way-you can use things and cause more problems. I find it to be much  more complex and less straight forward or controllable than herbal medicine.


Mimij67's picture

I have started using a little homeopathy for accute things for my daughters and my dog! They all respond very well. Not to mention the girls will happily take the homeopathic remedies but often turn up their noses at herbs (LOL)!

If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.

drbrizman's picture

Yes, they like the seet taste!