Period issues

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I thought pads were bugging me so I switched back to cloth and it seemd t help but I now feel like it is the actual blood that is making me irritated and itchy. I have had such a hard time falling asleep the past few nights because I have my period. I do use Instead cups but usually near the end of my period not the first few days as they are really messy. I don't like the Diva cup- have never tried sea sponge. Tampons bother me too. DOes anyone else feel like this?. Yuck- it is such annoying, nasty feeling. Not sure why the blood would be irritating my skin like this. It seems like it has been off and on but much more on the past year or so I thtink's picture

Deir, i'm right there with you.i would almost be raw. I'm 56 but up until jan.was still having periods. I am so hoping i'm in Menopause because I simply could not stand the itching/irritation. Even on my light days I had it. I wish I had some helpful advise. Never found anyway to make it better. 

deir's picture

Yuck- I really do not like it. I just don't feel liek this was an issue for me in the past. I wonder what the deal is?

cprince's picture

Yep, every time. By the time my period is over everything thing feels like raw burning tissue. It is awful!

DLFox123's picture

HI - just wondering if it's possible this means that a bunch of toxins are also coming out?  There was a period of time that my snot - lovely word - actually burned - left a red mark - when it touched skin.  I am seriously not making this up.

deir's picture

hmmm- that sounds good! i'll go with that!

AlishiaM's picture


I had a few months when I was taking Oil of Oregano that yes I thought the actual blood was what was aggravating me - I convinced myself it was extra toxins coming out do to the more cleansing protocol!  I wore pads and I agree - its the worst to like sit in the stinging blood all day :(.  I came to the conclusion I did better with tampons because that at least kept the blood off the tissue - organic unbleached of course!  That has improved since going off of Oil of Oregano and adding Juice Plus.  Who knows!

deir's picture

Gross isn't it? I do think the Instead cups work well. They are made of silicone. Prbably not the greatest thing but I feelliek I can feel tampoms somehow. Maybe it eally is cleansing. Hmmm.

Rachel Ann's picture
Rachel Ann

Maybe you could get a peri wash bottle (you can find them on amazon) and rinse with water while sitting on the toilet. I sometimes do that at night before I go to bed and it helps a lot. Other than that, I just change my pads pretty frequently so my skin doesn't get as irritated. I use seventh generation pads.

CO's picture

I know the feeling. I think it is because the vaginal ph ideally is acidic. Yet blood has a higher ph, it's neutral. So during your period the vaginal ph is disturbed (as it is when you wash with soap, which is alkaline, often brings on yeast infection in women).
Yeast thrives when vaginal ph is off balance (hence yoghurt which is acidic gives relief for vaginal issues).
Could this explain it?

Juliesummerstar's picture

Hey Deir I have been having annoying long periods last few months, right now I am on my eighth day, and yes, it is itchy and irritated from the constant blood. Boaz said I could put yogurt down there. It does seem to help a little. 


ktgicama's picture

I was thinking yeast too. I had this low-lying yeast infection for many months that would always come back after my period, then clear up, and then the cycle would start again. I didn't ever have any irritation during my actual period though.

Melinda's picture

Deir, My periods have been awful ... In October I was hemorraging ... 21 days of bleeding. My hemoglobin was 6.8 (CRITICAL). Even Boaz was kind of freaked out. Cycles are relatively normal now. 

I always have burning during my period. The yogurt thing has helped me somewhat too with the burning. Wish I could be more helpful!! 




deir's picture

Just wanted to say- this month, the itching is MUCH less. Hmmm- must be a Thing