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I'm putting in to place the arrangments to fly out and see the Brizmans. I'm worried as my IC is so servere (I know this is not a competition but I am really very very poorly). I also have a lot of toxicity symptoms like tinnitus, my periods have stopped and i have eyefloaters as well as vulvodynia. I suppose this means the treatment will take a very long time. I've heard some people take about 8 years to get better and Im not sure I could handle being in this much pain for that long. Is anyone else a servere case and doing ok? How long did you take to improve?


Thanks guys



fahlmank's picture

Hi Katie,

   I suppose at this point I am an "old timer" ;) After almost four years of treatment, I am DRAMATICALLY better. What is amazing about this treatment is that it is individualized and it does work. I would also share that the number or severity of symptoms does not necessarily mean a long treatment. Some patients come with a fairly "mild" case and take a very long time to get better, while for others, it is the reverse. Reach out and communicate with us as your support and congratulations on making the decision to treat with the Brizmans. It is a big one;)


DLFox123's picture

Hello - welcome.  I too am a long timer.  For myself, pain quickly resolved itself..  However, from the way my body responded-with continued wierd things happening -  I knew it wasn't time to quit.  Many things that I never thought of as health issues related to IC - continue to get checked off bit by bit.  I know that I have to  be careful.  If I stray too much from a "proper" diet, I'll get some warning symptoms that keep my in line.   None of the symptoms that you've listed, alone, or in their entirety, seem to be anything but "normal" to this condition.  I'm pretty certain that after a time, you too will be writing words of encouragement to others that come after you.



katiekookaa's picture

Thank you so much. Im so worried about never being able to be normal again and people were saying the process can take 8 years or so. I understand you have to get back in to balance but I have lost so much life to IC and tried so, so many holistic treatments and I really need some hope. I'm hoping that boaz can give that to me :)

deir's picture

Katie- severity does not determine length of treatment. In my case, I am moderate (it thought I was mild but I'm not) and it has been long with me where as a few people who started out near me who seemed much more severe are much better faster. From the start Dr b told me that I  have a strong consitution. I am a really strong person all around physically and other ways. I think in my case it took a lot more toxic/viral/bacterial crap to make me feel sick on the outside, if that makes sense. So even though someone else may appear worse, it is possible that their body has a lower tolerance for the 'crap" so the symptoms manifest worse despite there being an easier process to return to balance. The issue is, you have no way of knowing. So in many ways, this is a leap of faith. xoxoxo