CT Scan

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Has anyone had any experience/advice to share regarding this test  with contrast fluid. 

I am due for a StrokeAssessment Evaluation on Thursday and am very concerned. I see no choice as it follows what seems to be a small stroke (TIA)

Gulp! any input welcome with thanks

cathy's picture

I had an MRI done with contrast when I was early in treatment, I was very concerned about it but never had a problem with it. 

lolo's picture

Cathy, Thank you! will sleep better tonight!


deir's picture

Lolo- So sorry to hear about the stroke! best wishes and prayers to you

lolo's picture

Thank you Dear Deir: on my way now to the scan in another city....Hoping to rule it out! And for no side effects!

Be Well


DLFox123's picture

HI Lolo,

Hope you're doing well?


lolo's picture

Denise: am settling after a trying 2  weeks. Thank you for your thoughtful wishes!!!! The IV wasn't necessary :-) and TIA confirmed, so now for more tests and then considering meds..gulp! ..This continues to be a dance while balancing mainstream medicine with our IC protocol...but, ever learning...hoping things are good with you, Be Well!

DLFox123's picture

I'm sorry for all of it - I've always wondered if I got cancer again how would I possibly balance it with IC protocol - I get your gulp.  If this sounds trite - forgivve me - but here goes.  A few years ago after being told that I had yet another medical condition - I went into a tailspin trying to think my way out of it - running from what was to find a solution or get away from the reality - fix it, control it - take charge of it - hell, even ocd my way out of it.  My therapist stopped me dead in my tracks when she asked me what I could learn from it.  My intitial response was wanting to slap her - then followed by two years of learning to learn from it.  I wish that I could say that I'd arrived, reached enlightment, and was all grown up.  However, I'm not - just a bit wiser and a bit stronger.

Take Care - thinking of you,


headley.patty@gmail.com's picture

Denise, you seriously need to consider writing. Its all important stuff you say with your twist of humor. I will buy your first book. I would bet most people with chronic illness would buy it. Also would be helpful to their family members ss they must helplessly stand by and watch the suffering. 

lolo's picture

I agree with you both. You could be speaking for me, Denise. IC recovery being ever challenged by another  condition.  I was finally seeing the light of reovery from all the eyedrops after eye surgery and stroke enters. Now, for dealing with daily aspirin and or statin decisions/choices and trials. I have to say that the latest was a shift of perception with the mortality angle...aaaargh! BUT, I can't imagine going through all this without the gifts of Dr M and of meditation...Insight meditation is  helping so much and strengthens my aim to stick around and grow and learn....Soooo, that's what I'm learning so far. Then, there's the sisterhood of the forum! In spite of latest scare, I am thankful...Go Figure...I wish the same for all!

DLFox123's picture

Dear Patty,

Thanks so much for the compliment.  I would love to write the great American Novel - or even a short story.  In fact, I've tried a few times.  However, alas, I have the attention span of a nat - : 

Dear Lola,

I hear such strength and wisdom in your words.  I think we may have found ourselves on the same road  - wish we could ttalk over a margariita......(still miss those things)  It's good to hear from you.

Hanging in there with you,



lolo's picture

and me, with you, Denise...Some day, that sharing over drink even if, Tea....Until then, onward and upward!