Old patient check in

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hi ladies,

It's been ages since I've been here and I thought I'd drop in after over a year checking in.  I've been a patient close to 4 years in October and although my IC has calmed down considerably, I'm still struggling in other areas.  Over the past 5 months I've had chronic daily neck inflammation, stiffness, occasional TMJ you name it .  I was part of a group layoff at a corporate job I detested and for the first time in my career since 15, I've decided to to personal time off as long as I can afford to.  I'm finally also working on my spiritually, mind and body to find a balance.  It's hard work because being a type A personality, stubborn Latina Taurus open top, my body has taken its toll.  I'm using this time to HEAL once and for all.  My constant neck pain scares me just like IC scared me at the onset.  My migraines come and go all related to the inflammation.  But my neuromuscular therapist which I see assures me that the inflammation is primarily based on my erratic emotions and diet.  I must admit I've cheated on my diet which I'm sure is part of the inflammation .  There are good days once I get a massage but lately bad.  It's discouraging because prior to that I was working out, jogging with low bladder inflammation.  Has anyone suffered neck issues? What has worked? I know I need to work on stress and anxiety which I'm also undergoing hypnotherapy at a clinical trial.  It's works and perhaps I need to stop being so negative because it could be worse.  I can assure you my IC is under control unless I cheat on the diet .  If only my neck wouldn't be do terrible.  I fear not being able to work again.  I'm also at a point in my career where I really don't want to go back to the corporate world but start a business but being in constant pain leaves me lying in bed a lot, depressed and asking again, why me? I'm a fighter but I just either need encouragement, hope my neck heals, time or both .  Anyhow, please feel free to ask about IC.  I'm pretty much symptom free it's the emotional, mental, low immune system and pain in the neck (pun intended) that I'm dealing with.  Sorry for the rant .  



DLFox123's picture

Hi Tommygurl-

Years ago I had a very serious back and neck injury - I ran the gammit trying to get my life back.  Finally, I discovered a sports medicine clinic that also worked on football players.  They put me on massage therapy and weight lifting - had to start with 1 pound weights.  It took about six months - I now rarely have problems.


Take Care,


C's picture

Hi Tommygurl, I have also had the terirble neck pain and I get it occasionally now, about 2 years ago I had it for 9 months straight and it was agony, also coupled with daily migraines. You could ask Matia about Don Quai, she put this in once for me and it shifted the pain, when the pain came back I would take one cap of DQ (rarely and I would always ask Matia first if I could) and it would go again, it would make my bladder worse but sometimes it was worth it because of how bad my neck was. I also read this book which helped: Mind Body Prescription http://www.amazon.com/The-Mindbody-Prescription-Healing-Body/dp/0446675156 it explains and gives you techniques to get rid of the pain by acknowledging the emotions that have caused it, I swear it worked, even if only a little. Hope you get some relief!  

I have a question about the IC, when your bladder became symptom free what was that like, I've heard you get preiods of comfort and they become more frequent, is that what happened for you? Can you explain how your bladder symptoms left? Thanks, C



monic433's picture

Hi Tommygurl! 

I have been a member of this forum for years .I have a condition called lichen simplex and I did a search and noticed you also had been dealing with it . I have it  in my labia mayore  area , what is extremely annoying not to saya a stronger work. I have been suffering with it for six months  ,at the beginning I thought they were externak candida infections as my symptoms came and I could control it with some antiyeast oils , but th elast two months the itching has been unbereable and I have even used steroid creams as I was desesperated for a relief. I ma in a really big flare now for my LSimplex and I would like to know if you could finally manage it. If you can not send me a private message please answer me here and I will send you a way to contact me. I hope you really understand how desesperate I am My bladder has been wonderfull this last months but this new condition is giving me a lot of stress