Please don't forget to drop a note on the forum to others who are seeking any ounce of hope that they can feel well again. Alot of newer patients spend hours reading success stories over and over again, and new posts will help.
Also, alot of people dont know about the forum, so please pass it on to anyone you might think needs access to positive information.
Still doing very well
My name is Michelle and I live in Raleigh NC. I started having signs of IC in April of 2005, about 3 years ago. I was in a panic, as I am sure all of you know what I mean or how I felt, I had never heard of IC before and just assumed I had a UTI on a constant basis that no anitobiotic could cure. I was also having other problems, my hair was falling out faster and I had pain in my tail bone that I had never experienced before. After going to doctor's and specialist who told me they did not know why I kept returning since there was nothing they could do, I decided to contact Matia and try another approach. I started with Matia December 2005, I was unsure this would work but when we talked for the first time on the phone I knew it was right for me. She asked me questions that no one else had ever asked me and seem to know what I was going to say before I said it, when she asked me if I had tail bone pain (which I never mention nor thought it was related) I was in shock and awe at the same time. I got off the phone and knew I had made the right decision. It was difficult at first with the diet and taking all of the herbs but little by little I started to get better. I did have set backs and days that I was still under the weather but each time I would contact Matia and she would make a change in my herbs, within 24 hours I would always feel better. You start to learn your body and listen to what it is telling you, toward the end when I was having a bad day I would slightly adjust my herbs just how I thought Matia would and waited to see if it made a difference, if not I would then contact her. As of today I am doing much better about 98% - there are still days when I feel off, nomally when I am getting my period - but they are not near what they were before and I can tolerate them completely. May all of you keep your hope alive and have trust that Matia can help you.
me too
i know for me finding Matia was totally God sent.
yes i was in a panic too when i first started having ic.
i diagnosed myself by research online. i already knew conventional drs. were not much help though i went through 3 months of atibiotics.
tryed the naturopathic school for a while too. but they were not specialized enough.
so one day in 2004 as i sat on the toilet crying and praying i know God spoke to me and told me to look online for the specific quote "cure IC".He alwas keeps it simple for me. ;)
that lead me to a site that led me to icaroadtorecovery.com
i stayed up til midnight reading and went to bed with hope.
its always a happy day to talk to Matia.
my husband will come home , see my cheer, and ask if i talked to my dr. today. i hope to understand more of her genius after reading her work.
she has and continues to help my whole family. things i learn from her i share. people ask me "has your dr. said anything about such and such?"
today i am very healthy and seldom have any symptoms at all. its almost hard to remember the beginning. i was able to spend these years without worry for myself because i knew i was in good hands.
thank you Matia!
To Beth
Thank You Beth for taking the time to post. I am a new patient of Matia's and it is always encouraging to hear how people have been able to move on and have a normal life again. You are so right that having Matia does make this process easier. What has helped the most is that she can normalize all the wierd symptoms that can go along with this disease. Thanks again for taking the time. Kriste