Birth Control Pills are often involved in one underlying contributory factor of IC. As most of you know, I won't even take patients if they are on them or do not wish to go off of them. It is impossible to get someone better on birth control. Women are not informed of the many potential and real side effects of chemical birth control. Here is a tragic story that goes beyond IC: http://www.snopes.com/medical/drugs/dishuk.asp
Birth Control PIlls
What about natural hormones or the bio-identical ones? I once used natural progesterone for a short while with good results. I agree the chemical hormones are really bad for a person since I believe that was the final straw in contributing to my getting IC. The natural hormones definitely work differently in the body.
Bio hormones
I used to be a fan of bio hormones, but have learned over the years to not underestimate those either. I only use those when absolutely necessary. They can pose problems as well and actually feed yeast and bacteria. Often they are just a band-aid.
Bio Hormones
Why would these hormones promote yeast and bacteria? If a person's hormones are out of balance to begin with, wouldn't bringing them back into balance have a positive effect and enable that person to heal more quickly?
it seems like that would be the case, and indeed, I used to think the same thing. But, when it comes to any problem, the bigger concept is figuring out what is causing it not treating what it is. SO, I mean that a problem with not enough estrogen for example often not best treated with estrogen, but rather why the estrogen is low. Lots can behind that including the health of the intestines! And, using more hormones often does little but feed the overgrowth of microorganisms in the intestines making a person's problems more chronic.
Thank you for explaning this
Thank you for explaning this since I am going through a bit of this myself now it is nice to make some since out of it all. I am finding the topic very intersting. I wonder if there is something you can recomend as far as reading goes to further explain it to me or if you don't mind going into a little more detail on the subject.
I am starting to see how the intestins are playing such a huge roll in illness.
i find it fasinating.