Water is a huge isue of late, and has been a huge issue within my treatment plan from the beginning of the work I have been developing.
There are many issues that need clarification. One, is the issue of stimulation of symptoms, and two is the issue of complete health. These two factors surely overlap one another.
One of my current missions is to unravel these facts and endeavor to point my patients and anyone reading this site in the right direction. Unfortuneately, it is not simple. There are issues of medications in our water supply, minerals, pH factors (too high, too low), the chlorine used to purify our water supply, the plastic used to deliver spring water, etc...All these things must be reconciled and spelt out clearly for a person to make a wise choice regarding their drinking water.
However, I have clinically seen hands down that bottled spring water is the best water thus far for the minimization of symptoms. The difference can be opposite ends of the pain scale between bottled spring and the various kinds of water purification systems.
I will be attempting to further my research and understanding, so please watch out for updates. And, if you have articles or information that you feel may be helpful, please submit them!
Thank you!
spring water
Matia,This has been a concern for me from the beginning as I have limited types of spring water available where I live and in comparing them they all have different ph levels and chlorine levels which sounds like could have an impact on healing! Nestle, for instance produces about 4 different brands, but each one has different levels in them and are only available in certain areas. The one in my area, Ozarka, has low ph and higher chlorine. Which concerns me on if it is having an impact on my symptoms. I found another one that has high ph (7.0) but I just noticed has 13 chlorine in it. Do you feel that could be a problem? Then the big jugs of water that say spring don't give a break down, so you just don't know.I'm glad you are going to find out more, but be aware that depending on where you live, could make a difference to what someone has access to.Thank you
Water IS huge, if the water is either too acidic or too alkaline it is a problem and too much chlorine can be too. I would go to the Arrowhead website, a water we use here that sits well with people in terms of symptoms and compare its content to the waters in your area and pick the one that is closest to it. I think that is best for right now.the following seems to also be a good one if they distribute in your areahttp://www.mountainvalleyspring.com/