painful die off

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So I am having a lot of increase in burning and it's kept me up all night. I haven't had this in a long time. It's very hard to cope and none of my usual stratigies are working. I am just laying here alone and in pain. I would love to hear some flair coping tips besides a heating or ice pad.

I am trying to say my daily afermations but it's very hard at this level to stay positive. Cry

ballerine's picture

Hi Nicole I'm sorry not to have tricks for you... When the pain is too much, I just take paracetamol (tylenol) and that is unfortunately not a trick :( What I wanted to say is that I'm thinking of you, sending you strenght and I hope that you will feel good soon. You are not alone in this.HUG

nicole's picture

Thank you Ballerine for the hugs and warm regards. I managed to get through it although my head is still hurting pretty bad and my abdomen is acing I Do feel a lot better, it's tolerable again. Sometimes these cleanses can really get me down. I know it's part of the healing.
Thanks again

janejones's picture

I really identify with you. (Are you allowed to have Bicarb of Soda when burning gets intolerable? I am not yet a patient of Matia's so I don't know the rules).

As Ballerine says you are not alone - there are lots of us out there. I find my daily affirmations useful as they blot out negative thoughts and fear which helps me focus on recovery.

nicole's picture

I did do a little baking soda one night just so I could get to sleep. I know Matia rather me not do the bicarb.It doesn't solve the real problems and then you can't tell what is helping or hurting really because they are masking the pain like a bandage.I have talked to her about it before, but I was starting to get some visual migraines from not sleeping so I needed the relief. The Daily affirmations do help though and I just really started on that.Sometimes just knowing there is support helps because NORMAL people do not understand how chronic pain can be so tiring.I need to change my filter on my main water supply. I realized the chlorine is high in my tub and that's not helping me at all. I like taking warm baths to help settle the pelvic muscles but if there's chlorine then it's not going to help.
Thank you all for your support. It's so nice having people who understand.

researchnerd's picture

Ok.  Does anyone else have this weirdo eye thing?  It is soo annoying, and I would like to know that I'm not completely crazy.  Its like for a few days I couldnt focus my eyes, plus I have a pounding head ache (thats on and off but mostly ON, and I of course then, assume I'm dying.  (Gotta love IC induced hypochondria). 

nicole's picture

Don't think your alone here I think all of us have been there at one time or another. My head is always an issue for me and i feel like I am going insane most of the time if that mekes you feel anybetter. There is usually a real reason some area your body needs healing cleansing nurishing . Hang in there

Kriste's picture

Besides my bladder, my eyes have been a real concern for me.  You are not alone.  According to Matia a fair amount of us have issues with the eyes.  It is one of the areas that I obsess and worry about.  It does help to know others have similar symptoms and also to know that they have seen improvements.  It is so easy to think the worst.  Just trust that this will pass.  All the best.  Kriste

tferrier's picture

Kristi - My eyes were the first thing that indicated something was really amiss with my body.  My epithilium (top layer of eye tissue)would tear (not tear like cry, tear like rip) every night.  This went on for a year before I began to have symptoms with my bladder.  When I first saw Matia, she said my bladder problem and eye problem were one in the same.  I couldn't even grasp this (western medicine).   After just a couple of weeks on the diet and with the herbs, my eye stopped tearing (ripping) but it took almost a year before I was sypmtom free in regard to my bladder.  I don't know how far into the program you are, but it takes time to repair.   I am living a normal life now and am able to function.  I could not even go to the grocery store during the height of my IC.  The only thing I struggle with now is just being tired.  Tammera

researchnerd's picture

Hey ladies.  Glad I'm not the only one with the eye thing.  Pretty strange.  Thanks for the support!

Kriste's picture

Just wondering if others have experienced muscle spasms throughout different parts of their body?  A while back I had a lot of spasms from head to toe now every so often and less but still annoying.  Today my hand won't stop.  I have been to Neurologist and had all kinds of tests and scans with nothing wrong.  I am assuming it is yet another symptom of this condition.Kriste

carole's picture

Yes, I had a muscle twitch in my leg 24 hours a day that lasted 4 weeks, it was so annoying. No amount of stretching seemed to help. I have also experienced eye twitching that has lasted for a couple weeks at a time. I haven't had the leg twitch for a long time, I still get the occasional eye twitch but it only lasts for a couple of hours. Like Matia says in her post today, all these weird little symptoms are connected. I truly did feel like my body was falling apart, the good news is that you will get better.

Kriste's picture

Thank you for your reply.  It sure does feel like your body is falling apart but it is so encouraging to hear from others that it can get better with work.  It is so funny to read Matia's posts sometimes because it feels like she is reading my mind.  I guess it is because of her many years of experience.kriste

toreyg's picture

hey all. im getting these sensations of pressure all over my body. its comes over me like a wave, alot of heaviness too comes over me through my arms and legs and head. they feel like heavy pound weights. also did anyone ever get little itchy rashes that come and go?

veryhappymom's picture

This was a good post to read.  I am going off Ambien this week and also have developed wierd eye twiching.  I was hoping that it was due to die and not a side effect of going off of Ambien.  I view die off as a huge sign of progress that I am actually responding to treatment : )

toreyg's picture

has anyone had really bad inestinal bloating and soreness? im also having alot of bladder pressure,its so bad. we upped my bifido so im wondering if that why everything is stirred up.

IC-Hope's picture

Yes, a while after I got up to 4 bifido/dose, so 12/day, I started having bad intestinal issues. Strong cramping, on the toilet for hour (the rest you can imagine)... and that caused my bladder to worsen, particularly pressure and fullness as you say and much tenderness.
So I've TOTALLY been there. We ended up going down on the Bifido to 1, and down on Peonnaie from 4/dose to 2/dose, which I was sad/nervous about b/c I didn't want to backtrack but Matia claimed it wouldn't slow down my healing at all, just had to bend to where the body was at.  Since then I've slowly been inching back up.  I think my bladder would be better overall if that hadn't happened, as the increased probiotics really helped my bladder, but the problem was the intestinal issues created bladder pain from all the muscle straining (and maybe increased inflammation?). Also, Matia said probiotics' effects are cumulative -- the more and longer you're on them, the longer it takes to have potential reactions/effects.
I hope this helps you a bit... if it's anything like mine, just may have to slow down a bit.

shar's picture

Hey!  Yes!  I have major intestinal bloating and soreness which hurts my bladder and makes me feel like I'm going to pop.  All the bloating and pressure in the front makes my back and hips ache.

nicole's picture

Got to love the  yeast OMG I can't fit into anything these days one day I am one size and the next I am another. It's really wearing me out. I can't wait till I can say my candidia is under control !!!

IC-Hope's picture

Totally.  Stick a pin in me, someone.