Do any of you experience a feeling of sensory overload, the lights sounds ect seem to be too much it all makes me tired. I want to crawl into a dark room and rest all the time. I just can't seem to handle much these days. lights seem to really bother me and they have to be very ambient. I have my house kind of dark. Even the weather it gets too hot I can't concentrate to talk to someone. I start to get a racing heart and I have to go. I can't stand still I have to keep moving while I am talking and this wears me out so I have to go lay down. I wasn't always like this though except for the light sensitivity I seem to get that early on with my IC. I was just wondering how many of you experience this ?
well i am glad i am alone in
well i am glad i am alone in this feeling it's not fun.
sensory overload
Nicole,I have noticed that part of my healing these days includes quite a bit of rest and refuge from the world. I reckon I do gravitate away from loudness and any sort of stressful/exciting conditions even locally - ie-travel/gong out can be pretty exhausting! Although in my case lately I have noticed that I actually crave a little bit of sunlight. I have been giving myself very short little sunbaths in the morning. I'm clothed and UV protected during this! I do get tired out easily in general by my day which is understandable as the herbs and my immune system are battling pretty serious beasties. It used to really bother me that I was feeling almost well ... like feeble and old way beyond my time! Going out to shows to see music or dance used to be part of my life but its not at this time for I know- its just not going to feel good to me even though it means I miss out on alot of cool things to see somtimes! so instead I choose to nourish my body with silence/ solitude /rest/movies/crafts. In general I have have tried to create in my home a healing soothing cocoon in which to rejuvenate and trust that the sensitvity will lessen with time and this has been the case. In the past I had many stressful -jobs and did not take care of myself or have any space in which to truly fully decompress from anxiety. so having all this forced downtime is really kind of wonderful. I think such a thing is going to help in ways we can't even see right now- maybe it rebuilds our strength in a slow powerful way? Having Ic has actually made me incredibly sensitive to smell to sight to taste to touch to everything. This sensitivity to things used to be overwhelming to me but as I go through treatment I recognize that it has lessened in its intensity. I have had yeast and IC syntomns for a very long time and now I can say that after years of cleansings and visits (before Matia) to get to the bottom of things -now I am seeing some genuine noticable improvement. I am no where near healed but still I am encouraged. I still need alot of rest and quiet and calm. Social interaction can make me feel really tired/anxious so I make sure that I feel comfortable /rested and that my company is positive and supportive - understands - and is sort of on my wavelength about low key fun creativity. Embrace the cocoon LOL! allow your system the refuge it needs to fully concentrate on healing! With continued care you should eventually be able to tolerate more stimulation and join in the more active louder side of life. thanks for reading/sharing. Mary
Thanks Mary for you kind
Thanks Mary for you kind words.
I don't know if I am able to embrace the cocoon it's one thing to slow down but its another thing to not leave the house but a few times in 6 months. I just am going crazy inside. working on my house could be a good thing that did make me think about my living space a bit. Some new plants might help.I really enjoy companie but it has to be at my pace I don't quite think I have people in my life that really understand that. My sister is trying and it's really sweet so I am accepting her into my life.
The cleanses are powerful and your right about that it's been a while for me since I have been down this road to this extream. I forgot how they feel, its very scary
It's nice to have support in this. I guess I have some envirmental issues to take care of. It shold be interesting when the Fall begins in a month. I am really looking foward to it. I normally do best with my bladder at this time.
Thank you Mary for letting me not feel isolated.