I have had a lot of inquiries about those wanting to study my protocol.
I would really appreciate it if those who are interested could post replies to this entry and give me your ideas about what format would work for you and what kind of things you are hoping to get out of it.
I have been having a hard time making a decision on how to go about it. And, I have been waiting until my dissertation will be finally available. I think those two things may be finally merging extremely soon and I would just like to hear from all of you as to what you would like.
Thank you!
My thoughts
I would like to read your dissertation and study your protocol just to gain a better understanding of what was out of balance in my body and how the treatment process is helping to restore that balance. So often, our phone conversations are limited to discussing my symptoms or tweaking the herbs, and I don't really understand why certain things are happening to body or how long I can expect them to last. I am hoping that your dissertation will help me put these pieces together. I don't have a preference in terms of format.
A real time chat forum may be
A real time chat forum may be a good thing to consider, DVD's,and possibly more reading would be good too. I would love to see a chat in here once in the support section too if it were to pick up too. I Know it would need a moderator to open it up. Maybe once a month or something.Those are some of my thoughts I will write more if I think of them.