Feelings of inadequacy are common amongst the population of people with IC. Perhaps inadequacies even more-so with women having IC. This issue may interrupt one's ability to handle social stresses that come their way leaving them more vulnerable to the ill effects of stress.
I was reminded speaking to someone this week what a huge issue this is. In my opinion, this stems back to childhood, and the relationship that a child has with her mother. A mother's job is to nurture her child and to help create her feelings of self worth. If that feeling of self worth is not established from a young age, it may impact that person's entire lifetime of emotional and even physical health.
I work with a very specific population of people so I do not know what percentage of people share this dynamic, but amongst those with IC, the issue is a common one. Part of the process of working on your health is working on your emotional health. I am not at saying that IC is a disease that is in one's head, but rather what is in our heads effects our bodies by slowly altering the normal physiological processes that occur on a daily basis.
This particular patient that spoke to me about her own feelings of stress surrounding a social work situation really struck me because she is a beautiful (inside and out) person with absolutely nothing to feel inadequate about. And, this stressor was really affecting her mind. What worried me is that if she did not recognize it, that it would lead to physical symptoms.
I am sure I pointed it out in time, and that will help her cope. And, I wanted to remind each of you to love yourselves and to fill the chasms that may be in your hearts from childhood with love from yourself. We don't know how to do that as children, but we can learn to do that as adults so that we may slowly repair what should have been built correctly in the first place.
Know that each of you are wonderful in your own special ways, and don't let others make you doubt yourselves!
I don't know that I am very
I don't know that I am very good at that loving yourself or really know what people mean when they say love yourself. I mean I know I give myself a hard time and I am not sure I know how to stop.
Loving yourself
It starts with thinking of yourself as the little child that you were and doing for yourself now what you would have wanted your mother to do for your little self. Try to take it one day at a time and treat yourself with a loving heart. Everything in life takes a little practice and undersanding. SO, try today, start here. We can only change oursleves from this moment forward!
So meee
Wow, as I read this post I was just thinking this is soooooo me. I have felt this for soooo long now, the past about 6 years I have been starting to figure this out and then trying to deal with it. I know that I have problems socially, emotionally, and physically because of this.
I have been trying to overcome it.
Just this last Friday I could not stop thinking about it, I kept thinking about how I tried so hard to have a close relationship with both my Mom and my Dad and I just kept getting closed off by them. I don't know why they wouldn't let me in. I wanted so much to have a loving, affectionate relationship with my Mom. She just wasn't like that. If anything she put me down, and said a lot of negative things to me.
I was so emotional last Friday, because it was really emotional for me to think about it. Ever since I started this treatment, a whole lot of things from the past keep coming into my thoughts, and dreams. Things that I had thought I put behind me keep coming back. I just have to get through it, and maybe it's coming back for a reason so I can fix them instead of hide them.