This week our greatest success was being listed on the ICA website, Interstitial cystitis' largest association. It is an honor to be listed on their site, thank you ICA! We will be starting this website as we said earlier in the week, to provide support for those in Dr. Brizman's treatment, but also to reach out and offer any help we can to those choosing a different path with dietary information and lifestyle suggestions, and of course, simple support from the heart. Dr. Brizman will be conducting these monthly groups which will be help on the first Saturday of every month from 4-6 p.m. Pacific Time. They will start on the first Saturday in December.
We need a little time to plan for the first meeting so that we can also hopefully provide a way for our long distance participants to communicate with all of us here, locally.
I really look forward to this expansion in the ICAMA's short history. I also want to thank each of you who have taken the time to offer your support to those who are new to either this site or to Dr. Brizman's program.
It is so important for those who have gone before to support those who are new. And, also to support those who are having a tougher time of things, as some people do. My feeling about everything in life is that positive begets positive, and that is what the ICAMA is about. So, thank you all of you for your individual donations of your thoughtfulness and time!!!
I will keep you all posted on this new event as I work it all out.
ICA Website
Congratulations Matia! That is wonderful news that you are now on the ICA Website. You have worked long and hard helping people with IC. Your recognition by the ICA is well deserved.
Thank you!
I am happy for eveyone:)
I am so happy to hear that
I am so happy to hear that the longdistance patiences are going to be included.
Do you think you will send things out for the meetings or is it all online?
Long Distance Patients
I plan on giving instructions via this board on where to get instructions so it is open only to people who sign up. I will do that this week hopefully. I think i have things worked out--almost. it will be talking though--all talking. I dont really have an agenda other than to be present for support. Hopefully it will go well.
Well I can not wait to sign
Well I can not wait to sign up then. I am starving for some support. I am just crying inside all the time. I feel so alone here. I know everyone says i am not alone but it's a lot different when there is someone in person telling you your not alone then just reading in font your not alone.
Is the dial in # and passcode the same for Feb's support group?
Is the dial in # and passcode the same as last month's for the upcoming Feb support group?
DIal In and passcode
Same as last month yes:) Please do not post that info on line, I do not want any uninvited visitors that we do not know of joining.
Agenda for Feb support group
Is there an agenda for the Feb group? My suggestion would be yeast, candida and the die-off symptoms they cause. I would like to understand more about this topic.
Yes, this would be a great topic
I would really like to understand more about this part of recovery. When is the next meeting?
I am wondering if anyone has had luck getting through to the support group via their computer with Gizmo. I have not and wondering if anyone has if they wouldn't mind helping me figure it out. Thanks
i did the first time but the
i did the first time but the second time there seemed to be problems with the gizomo server so I am going to just use the phone inless Matia decides to use a web cam. I am waiting on that one. I think these meetings should be pod casted persoanlly