I am getting concerned about sore and inflamed gums. I have been telling myself this is more die-off, but it has been a week with no improvement and am beginning to fear dental work. Has anyone else had this problem. This is in one area only....Every strange and returning symptom, I am learning to welcome as a sign of healing...hope this is one too..lois
OMG! I totally had this symptom all of a sudden for about 3-4 days and then it went away just as mysteroiusly! I acutally think its a positive sign somehow- It is dieoff! My gums were super red and inflamed and painful. It will go away! Mary
Oh Mary..I just heaved a huge sigh of relief...thank....very mysterious is this road...Lois
Me too
I have also had this symptom - upper right side of my mouth. It last a few days to a week and then goes away. I have had this on and off for a long time.
my gums seem fine but ive
my gums seem fine but ive been getting a feeling that my whole mouth burns..very weird!
Mouth symptoms
I have had sore gums and also cankor sores appear in my mouth a lot through treatment. Usually rinsing with mild salt water a few times a day helped get rid of these symptoms in a few days.
thanks IC sisters...I have cancelled my dentist plans and will trust the ongoing lesson, I think..Lois