Health is a chronic problem!
Someone said to me today that although they have been better for many months, that drinking alcohol and eating candies brought back a little vaginal itching, that reminded her she has a chronic problem she needs to deal with for the rest of her life.
And to that I answered, yes, health is a chronic problem. Because, most people eat sugar and drink alcohol and don't pay attention to their bodies bc they think that the allergies, arthritis, high cholesterol, etc... are all normal! Why do we think that all of these ailments are normal? The reason is because so many people have them. But, that does not make them normal, it makes them common. Then, down the orad many years, when those same people are coming down with cancer and parkinson's disease and other terminal conditions, one might wonder, how on earth did that happen to me? And I doubt that any of those people look back and say to themselves, well, I should not have been drinking and indulging in sugar. I am not even getting to the medications part of this--just diet.
I had a conversation with an acquaintence the other day who wanted to know more about how she could lose her excess wieght, fix her constipation, and have more energy, and I started to talk about all of these ideas. Dont' drink alcohol, don't eat sugar, bake with agave and whle grains, don't drink diet products, eat a good balance of proteins and veggies and whole grain starches. Suddenly I realized that her eyes were glazing over and she just could not hear what I had to say. Well, that is understandable bc she is not super ill. She could not "get it" But, for those of you that have walked this path, you know, you have learned. Your body is your temple--truly! You need to put it back to gether, and once you have done that, you need to honor it--always, with the joy of knowing that as long as you take care of it, it will serve you well and within it you have a place within which you may exist-happy, in spirit and appearance.
So, yes, health, is a chronic condition:)
IC can really open your eyes.
I have spent the last 6 months educating myself about IC. Mainly through this website. The knowledge and life lessons I have learned are not measurable. It has opened my eyes and mind in so many positive ways. I look at everything in a different way. My family of four are truely better cared for now. We think about what we put in and on our bodies now. We've cleaned out the sugar, toxic cleaning products and medications. I was so programed to take any pill my doctor "told" me to take. I was tested today. I came down with yet another UTI. I sat in my Urologists over crowded waiting room. She didn't have enough chairs (there were six provided) for everyone. I listened to a women ask if she could use the phone to call her husband. She wanted to see if he could fax the doctor her medication portfolio. Later with the doctor I found out that she had just seen another women before me who has IC. The women with the portfolio. She was already gone. I wish I had known. I wish I had been able to tell her that there's alternatives out there. I have read that Matia likens IC to global warming and I would say she is correct. My test was positive and the doctor offered me the antibiotics. I told her that I was in treatment with Dr. Brizman and that I would be taking Chinese herbs to rid myself of this latest UTI. The doctor surprised me. She was positive about my choice. This was hopeful. I'm so greatful to be in treatment with you Matia. I could easily have been the woman with the portfolio today. Now I have the knowledge and I'm on a new path. I "get it".
YOU MADE MY DAY:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)