I have been asked so many times, and I keep promising that I am going to do this. I am going to give a list of suggestions for remedies to have at home in your medicine/HERB cabinet in case anyone in the famiy gets sick. BTW, our shopping cart will be ready super soon and all of these will be available:) For those of you who are my patients, most of you are familiar with how to use these. They should not be taken without some professional guidance or previous experience. The uses I am listing here are only to give a rough idea of what they are used for. Their combinations and doses change things. So, I am not listing them here as medical advice.
1) Pill Curing-General use includes food poisoning, stomach flu, and general ACUTE stomach distress such as nausea.
2) Gan Mao Ling-General use is as a first line of defense cold remedy
3) Zhong Gan Ling- For a cold that has more pronouned signs of what we refer to as Heat in Chinese medicine. I use BOMAMED's and Plum flower both at different times depedning on the situation.
4)Fromula 48- BOMAMED's special formula used in combo with the above for sinus and head fullness
5) Formula 49- BOMAMED's special formula also used in conjunction with the above for sinus and head fullness issues
6)Ear Formula- A BOMAMED formula. This formula is used in combo with some of the above to act as a very strong antibiotic type formula for various kinds of viral and bacterial infections.
7) Ba Zheng San, Dianthus Formula- For ACUTE UTI NOT IC!
8) Chuan Xin Lian- Used with 7) for UTI in stronger infections
These are formulas that I personally always have at home in addition to goldenseal and oil of oregano. Because with this group of items one can combine and recombine in many ways to fight pretty much any acute thing that comes up until you can get more help OR, it could just take care of it completely. As you become a patient for a longer period, we try and teach and guide you how to use these things to best help you and your family so that you become more knowledgable about your family's healthcare and the laternatives that are available to you in trying to avoid antibiotics and other kinds of medications. OF course we can't teach you how to do everything, but being able to treat the common things that come up often helps empower you tremendously and gives a great breadth of knowledge in alternative healthcare.
Chinese Medicine
Matia,I love learning about chinese medicine and about how I can be empowered to heal common illnesses! Thank you for the education you are putting out there in articles and for things like this - herbs to help us and our families! So many times I would have liked to tell someone that they don't have to take antibiotics for thier cold/flu - that there are alternatives but I wasn't sure what those were as I am not a healthcare provider or TCM practioner. Taking responsibility for my health and knowing what to do when I am unwell has made me less anxious person in general. Maybe somehow in the future-( I know there are alot of projects presently ) but if there is a way for long distance folks to learn more in depth how to responsibly use the herbs for health -like a gizmo 5 style workshop or maybe even good reading materials you know of ? for those of us interested in basic chinese medicine first aid. I'm just excited about this! Mary
thank you!!
Matia, this is great! Thanks for putting it up here...Amanda
Thank you!
Thank you for helping me take better care of myself and my family Matia! Looking forward to being able to buy these online.
Thank you Matia for these. I
Thank you Matia for these. I am missing a recommendation for the lungs and bronchia, like for secondary chest stuff after a virus? Right now, my husband is having this problem after a lengthy bout. I also wonder if we can buy these from you or if not, where?