to all of you here in the U.S.! Please celebrate with your hearts and in the joyousness of the holiday and don't allow yourself to feel deprived because you may not be ready for the pumkin pie. Pumkin pie does not create happiness other than for the moment the food hits your palate. And, then it is over in a second, but the pain that will persist will stay with you far longer! And, for those of you that are there and may indulge in healthy sweet eating, remember, use agave pr fruit and bake with whole grain healthy ingredients! Cooking and baking can be such a pleasure when you know that you are using healthy wholsome ingredients to make fresh food for your family that actually contains nutrition-the purpose for eating! So, what ever you CAN eat, eat it with happiness. Happiness for not only having food to put in your belly, but happiness that you are feeding yourself what you need to get and stay healthy! Be grateful for whatever level of healthiness you have managed to acheive and know that everyday you take care of yourself is another day you have treated your body in the way that you should. Your body will thank YOU!
Happy Thanksgiving
This is the nicest and most uplifting message I have ever received from a healer! THANK YOU Matia for thinking enough of us all to show concern and give advice on the eve of a major feast! and in such an effective way.Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family....Lois
:) :) :)
We don't have Thanksgiving
We don't have Thanksgiving where I come from.I must admit I have never eaten Pumpkin, & the thought of eating it doesnt seem too appealing! The Turkey, fresh veg & potatoes do sound very appealing though.Enjoy your Thanksgiving - my equivalent will be Xmas on a beach in Brazil!
Chrostmas in Brzil sounds beautiful! Too bad there is no thanksgiving there. IT is actually a great holiday. It is kind of like Christmas, but without the presents. SO, there is no stress, just fun and great food.
Thanks Matia, I needed to here this, I have been slow with progress on the diet and it is a good reminder for me. At times I have told myself how fortunate I am to have such a huge motivation to eat right.Someone asked me the other day if I could eat cocoa--hershey's has a bakers cocoa that is pure, no sugar or other ingredients, etc. Is that bad for ic/bowels?
You could try a little cocoa without sugar or anything else. it does not taste too good that way though. I recommend adding agave later, but you are not ready. Maybe you could mix it in something creative that I am not thinking of. If you do, let me know. The caffeine in the cocoa MAY be too strong for your bladder, you will need to test that!
I was going to mix it into some brown rice muffin mix. I never thought about the caffeine. How do you know I'm not ready for agave, lol!! Do you know which patient I am? you must :)
Yes, I do know! In your case:)
Why is stevia a no?
Why is stevia a no?
I have noticed it is a problem with Icers, I prefer agave and molassas to stevia later on.