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just wondering if anyone has used siberian ginseng? i will be starting it soon and was just curious how others did on it,thanks

aboros5's picture

hey, siberian was great for me. in fact, it was the saving grace when i was going through a long crappy spell. it is pretty much what pulled me out of that s-ty place. But i think it's all about the combo she puts together and where you body is at at that particular juncture. recently she added it to my regimen and i didn't feel so hot, so we took it out. it's funny how things work so differently at different times and on different people. no matter how many explanations i get, i still have so many questions!

natasha149's picture

I've started taking Siberian ginseng recently, we are hoping that it will pull me out of a really difficult place, long and and very hard constant state of flare. I've been on it for about 10 days or so. Before I couldn't tolerate it at all, now it feels different, it doesn't make me feel worse but so far no change in the symptoms Matia is trying to fight. How long did it take for you guys to feel the difference/benefet from it??? If it helped, did it happen gradually or overnight, the way some other herbs work?

carole's picture

I feel so good when I'm on Siberian Ginseng. I've been on & off it a few times and it really helps me to feel more energetic without getting anxious. It also helps me with my hormonal ups & downs. I'm not on it right now and didn't notice a big change when I went off it so I think my body getting better at regulating itself, which is the goal of Matia's treatment. Carol

Honeybee's picture

So I'm on the ginseng right now- for me my body was like YESSSS! It felt awesome- my energy was better my depression got better and my brain fog got better- its done all around nice things for my body. It has seemingly kind of magnified the other aspects of the formula.- I like it. I'm also going to sleep earlier but not sure if that is from the ginseng.  It did do something I'm not too happy about- for me it has kind of reduced my appetite - I'm not compelled to eat as much as I use to and as a result I'm losing weight. Does anyone else have that? I used to PILE my plate and consume every last bite no problem or maybe as the weather is warmer I'm just not as hungry? or maybe its result of getting better or something. I am always amazed at the intricate ways of timing concerning the applications of certain herbs at certain times. It is like a strange mysterious chaotic dance.  Mary 

Liz's picture

About a month ago, I started on Siberian Ginseng.  It was too much for my body, so Matia took me off.  I felt drugged.I have started with 1/4 and now 1/2 of a dose last week and it works on increasing my sleep.  I used to wake up at 2 am, now I sleep until 5 am and feel rested during the day.Liz

nicole's picture

I am havinng a lot of fear with ginsing becuse of my herbal knowladge and my seizure history. I need to talk to those of you who have taken it to help me feel more at ease. I was wondering if this weekend I have a chat those of you who have taken it can join in. I am at a loss and I am not sure what will happen if I don't take it. I haven't slept in over 24 hrs I am so depressed. So sunday aternoon if you ladies can join me I would love to talk about it.

Dazzo11's picture

ginseng also works great for me...i felt better within 2 days of takin iti have bad insomnia and i have to take "bad" drugs to sleep plus i also wake ALOT to pee and i am usullay dead tired during the day with no energy...the ginseng gave me energy,and keeps me i almost rested like a normal person...hahaha....i am not sure if its helped with my sleep yet cause i have to get off the sleep meds...but over all i give it a two thumbs my bladder...thats a diff story...UGH.....lolgood luck...

aboros5's picture

i usually try to give things about 2-3 days (or 6-9 doses) before making a call about how they're making me feel. if i recall correctly, siberian was one of the things that helped me in the past and i noticed it within that timeframe. but i've used it later in treatment and did not react as well at all but that too was probably noticed within a few days. so, i had kind of thought of that time frame as a hard, fast rule for seeing whether something will work, but right now matia has me on this one herb for a few weeks (plus rehmmania tea in the last week), and i really don't notice much of a positive difference. i don't necessarily feel worse, but not ncessarily better and she is still having me go with it and just playing with the doses. so there must be some times in treatment when you have to wait longer for things to kick in or some combos that take a while to kick in. maybe whatever else you are reporting to her is making her think you are heading in the right direction even though your bladder is not feeling better. are you keeping in touch with her every few days to let her know where things stand?

natasha149's picture

Thank you so much for your responses!!!Yes, I am definitely reporting things back to Matia, and you are absolutel right about her wanting me to keep taking it, bcause today I finally started feeling the tiniest of differences. But she is absolutely sure it will work in the current situation, so I trust her completely!