Sea Salt

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Has anyone done any research on sea salt as being higher in potassium than regular salt?  Could it cause a flare?


Clueless's picture

I ate it for several years, but another IC friend said it made her flare, so I went back to Morton's iodized salt.  I'm not sure if sea salt bothers me or not.  You might just try it and see how you feel on it.

Liz's picture

Matia and I have been trying to figure out what is causing my painful flares.  I didn't have them before treatment 3 1/2 months ago.  It just occured to me that it might be the Sea Salt (Redmone Real Salt).  The flare was really bad last night after I salted heavily my chicken soup.  Matia was real concerned when I e-mailed her about the potassium content of the salt this morning. It also has 49 other trace minerals, coming from an ancient sea bed near Salt Lake.  The only other alternative I can come up with is table salt which has undergone harsh bleaching and refining filled with silicates, dextrose and other additives.  There is also Celtic Sea Salt and Himalyan Sea Salt, also probably high in minerals.  What salt does everyone use?I have also been using IPSAB tooth powder made up with pure salt, baking soda,prickly ash bark and flavored with peppermint oil.  I am going to start using Tom's Tooth paste without flouride.Has anyone had a reaction to Matia's Neem Shampoo/conditioner?  And what about Napa Cabbage?  I am really examing everything.  Thank you to everyone.  I feel so connected to you all. Hope to talk to you at the support meeting on Saturday.  I don't know what I would have done without you. Liz

veryhappymom's picture

Liz, I would definitely suspect the toothpaste.  I switched my toothpaste to Tom's and felt much better.  I am very interested in the salt question.  It makes sense to go easy on the salt since most people have damaged bladder tissue.  Let me know what you find.  Hugs.

carole's picture

I didn't know this until a few months ago, but potassium is a huge IC irritant. Matia told me they use it in distillations to diagnose IC, if it causes pain, you have IC. The water at my house is high in potassium and caused me a lot of burning, and it doesn't take that much potassium to cause the burning. I would try taking the salt out and see if you feel better. Carol