hey all!since being so intuned to my body being in treatment, i notice really weird sensations. ill be lying down in bed and feel like my lymph system rushing through my whole body. it even wakes me up sometimes!its soo weird, i hope im not the only one with this?would like to hear from others:)
For the longest time I had
For the longest time I had this tyrpe of feeling on my left side where most of my inflammation was. I was just mentioning to my husband that in the past month this seems to have subsided. Slowly, slowly these weird symptoms go.
Yes, me too
Yes, I didn't know it was my lymph system until I asked Matia about it at the support meeting. That has been one of my major symptoms during my first treatment and this time around in treatment as well. I have had it in the night, too, where I woke up from it, or was at least kept awake a little from it. It feels like this living, breathing *thing* rushing through my body.
thanks sooo much guys! i
thanks sooo much guys! i thought it might be normal.but just wanted to make sure im not crazy! its soo weird..camille did matia explain to u what it means?
I haven't felt this lymph
I haven't felt this lymph thing per se, but definitely strange sensations -- sensations is a good word b/c (at least for me) it's not so much painful or uncomfortable or anything, just weird physical feelings, even though there can be senstaions of strong burning or throbbing or movement. Really feels like it's on an energy level. And sometimes last only 10 seconds. Anything strange that happens like that I don't freak out, I just figure it's die off - like Occam's Razor - the simplest explanation for a phenomenon is probably it. Hope that's helpful.
has anyone had deep nose
has anyone had deep nose pain?i get these weird throbbing nose pains that move around and then go into my face and jaw
nose pain
I did have this last year but no longer. It was one of those wierd symptoms.