boyfriends/husbands yeast

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Has Matia worked on any of your husbands and boyfriends for yeast. How was the process? My boyfriend has yeast and I got him to quit drinking and the soda but not the sugar intirly he is very moody and is having die off headaches. I have an apt with Matia on Friday they have met and he has been a patient in the past so I know she can offer me advise but I just wanted to know if any of you have been through this process before is it as slow as with us that have IC. He doesn't have the strenght that i have and I want to see him stick this out.

natasha149's picture

Nicole:In the very beginning of my treatment my husbanded tested positive for yeast and Enterococcus, so Matia put him on herbal protocol. We rechecked him after 3 months and all of it was still there. Since then he quit sugar completely (may be a bite of 70% chocolate here and there, but no desert, except fruit), but still has a glass of red wine or two at parties. I suspect that he would still test positive for all these things if we checked, but as I was getting better, I stopped having reactions to his sperm, and even gotten pregnant with no problems. So, as Matia says, as you get stronger, your immune system brushes these things off. Unless this yeast really bothers him, I wouldn't worry about it too much for you in a long run.

nicole's picture

thanks Natasha,
It's not as much as I am worried about Me as I am worried about him. He is very fatigued, has a lot of joint pain musle achs for no reason, sluggish, moody, depressed, muscle pain headaches poor concentration, ADD. I hate for him to go down the same path. He was drinking a whole bottle of wine every night for the past 4 yrs. plus soda plus candy and desert. Now he is off the soda for a few days and off the wine for 3 weeks. He is begining to show signs of die off. He hasn't quit fruit or the little bit's of desert every night I am trying to be patient with him because i don't want him to just say forget it all and go back to his old ways
His die off is getting kinda bad tho and i think he needs some help and i hope it doesn't take as long as it does with those of us with IC.

natasha149's picture

Oh, I know, it is so hard to convince them! But I think that since many of Matia's patients report singnificant improvement after about 6 months of treatment, this is probably around the time when yeast finally gets killed. So may be if he keeps this 6 months mark in mind, it would be easier for him than just do it indefinitely.
For some reason the thought of quitting alcohol is unbearable to men.

veryhappymom's picture

I can relate to your post.  I am working to help my husband improve is diet as well.  He switched to tea as a regular drink instead of living on Coke LOL.  He still eats too much sugar and needs to cut milk according to Boaz.  I want him to start taking probiotics, but he feels he needs to be willing to drop sugar cold turkey first.  Don't you think probiotics would help even if a person was still eating some sugar?  

natasha149's picture

I think (and I am just guessing here) that yes, they would help somewhat. But after being Matia's patient for a few years,I learned very well that sugar has a terrible detrimental effect on everything in our body. So I don't know if probiotics can really visibly counteract that effect. But then again, if it is just "some" sugar for a generally healthy person, it might work differently than for you and me.