urine smells bad

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I was just wondering if anybody here experienced long periods of time when urine smelled really bad? It is acompanied by vaginal crawling/itching and horrible irritation/urgency sensations, practically constant! I know it is yeast that is causing it, but I am not sure if it is yeast getting killed and coming out or just stubbornly sitting there, ignoring everything we are trying to do? Also another question: after several months we finally found a formula to sooth these symptoms and I had good 3 months but recently the smell, crawling and terrible irritation came back (I was still taking the same formula). Could it be that we are "peeling the next layer", or the infection just came back from somewhere. Have any of you, guys, experienced any of this? I would really appreciate your help. This is my second time in treatment and it is really defferent from the first, when I "zipped" through to list 4 withing 8 months.
Thank you!

wcorisa's picture

I have definitely had bad smelling urine combined with the other extremely uncomfortable symptoms you described. I have only been in treatment for about 5 months and have somewhat "zipped" through, but I started out with those symptoms, they went away for 3 weeks and then now they are back and TERRIBLE. I too have been on the same formula through all of this and am wondering if I am getting to a changing point, but i'm not sure. the urgency sensation, itching, irritation drive me nuts. Can't really offer any good advice other than you are definitely not alone. Matia always asks if your urine smells so it's definitely something she's looking for and people experience, so not to worry! 

natasha149's picture

Thank you so much for your reply and kind words. I guess we jaust have to be soooooo patient and just wait it out. Matia is an absolute angel, has been changing my protocol practically every day. I know from experience unfortunately that these flareups happen all the time througout treatment, but every time I keep hoping that this is the last one :(

nicole's picture

Oh the smell of my urnine changes all the time I usually gasp from it. It's good got to get the toxins out. Matia always sounds pleased that it smells.

vcruz06's picture

I just joined and I experience this, I was diagnosed this May after 6 months of testing and what not. I finally know what I have and I was put on Elmiron. But I discontinued it, not sure if I should or not since I didn't see an improvement.

shar's picture

Hey Natasha~I've had smelly urine off and on during treatment.  Sometimes it smells really sweet and then more toxic.  I also get oily looking urine that is shiny looking and then sometimes its frothy.   Its really thick sometimes and comes out slower and burns the urethra. I guess its the yeast and toxins coming out.   I guess its good for it to come out even though its soo painful.  Hope you are feeling better.~shar

natasha149's picture

Thank you all so much for your reassurance! Matia has found the right combo for me yet again and I am back to my "comfort" level. It is just amazing, the moment I hit what seems to be the worst bunch of symptoms ever, I always, ALWAYS think that this time it is definitely here to stay for good. Just can't stop thinking up the worst scenerio, I know it is detrimental to my treatment!!!