Hopefully whatever holiday you are celebrating, you are with loved ones, and are warm,
and having a beautiful time. Things are quiet now, as probably they should be at this
time of year. No matter what you celebrate, I think it is a time for reflection and
contemplation of what has transpired in the past year and what will develop in the
new one. Change is optimistic and full with hope. I wish each of you health and happiness
in the coming days, months, and years. And, I am thinking of each of you during the time
I am keeping for myself to contemplate in addition to the things that pertain to me and
my family. So, Happy Holidays, and soon, Happy New Year! Happy New YOU!
to Matia and friends
Thank You Matia and also all the best to you and your family. I am looking forward to next year thanks to you. I am excited to see how much better I can get in 2009. The holidays have been a little difficult in terms of staying completely disciplined but overall compared to other years of mindless consumption I am quite proud of myself. I would also like to wish all of those that have helped me on this site all the best and thank you for being so giving in terms of your thoughts and your wisdom.
holiday food
Matia, a while back you posted about things we could use for holiday desserts, like pamela's cake mix, agave, etc.Yesterday in the health food store I saw something called avocado honey. No ingredients were listed, though I think the bottle said 16g sugar per serving. Is this something we can have, or no? have you heard of it?
Avocado Honey
Wow! Actually, I have NEVER heard of this! I need to research this! Mean time if you are going to have something have the agave till I figure it out.
I just read on one site that
I just read on one site that avocado honey is taken from CA avocado blossoms, so it is still coming from a flower, I assume. I have also been wondering about potato flour, if that is a no no
potato flour
should be fine for you ICnot4me, and many others. if the avocado honey is from the flower I imagine it may be ok, depends on how hght the glycemic scale.
Tree of Life avocado honey
http://www.treeoflife.com/Label.aspx?Id=508Ok, hopefully this link will work. Ingredients are 100% raw avocado honey. but it looks like there are 16g of sugar per 1 tbsp serving, 17g of carb, sounds high. I don't know what that means as far as the glycemic scale, etc.This type of honey is supposed to be popular in CA, you might be able to find some and try and see if you like it
avocado honey
I will try and see if I can find it and use it myself. For now, if you do anything, I woulddo agave. IT is super gentle and really wonderful. We use it in our house all the time.
Uh, maybe I'll just stick to
Uh, maybe I'll just stick to the ocasional blueberry, I thought I wasn't ready for any kind of sugar, even agave
You are not ready, no. But, I thought you were asking if you were cheating! Which,of course, I dont wnat you to do. But, I do want to give good advice just incase.
What about wild rice?
Matia, I was wondering if we can eat wild rice. Diet 1? Diet 2?Thanks,Tammy
All kinds of Honey
Seems there are all kinds of honey.For more information on different varieties of honey, look at this website below.http://ezinearticles.com/?Exploring-Honey-Varieties&id=460893For now I think it is better not to eat it.I have gotten so used to not eating sweets that I do not want to eat sweets anymore.For new year's eve I baked a cake with brown rice flour and spelt flour, a little baking powder, a little olive oil, water and 2 eggs. I added small pieces of apple in the dough (only for those who can have the apple). And on the side I added cream (Organic liquid whipping cream without sugar, just cream) I mixed the cream with the mixer until firm. I cut a piece of cake for everyone and added the cream on top of the cake and on top of the cream I added some blue berries. My older son squeezed some agave on top of all this but my younger son did not want the agave, he liked it with out it and so did my husband. We all enjoyed it, it was delicious without any extra sweets!Angela :)
your cake
Wow, that cake you made sounds really good! what kind of apples did you use? is one type better for ic? I so wish I could tolerate apples bladder wise as they seem to help me with constipation. Here is something I've tried recently for tuna salad sandwhich: mix half can tuna with avocado--cut ripe avocado in small pieces, mash with fork, mix in, as much as you want, add some chopped celery and mix in some olive oil; put on lightly toasted spelt bread with cheese and melt cheese in micro for a short time. yummy
Cake, apples etc.
Hello icnot4me,I do not have a specific apple that I use, but they are organic. I do not eat cakes too often, I only do this for very special times.If you can eat apples you can try this cake.Thank you for the tuna recipe but I do not eat tuna....it has too many metals in it and I never eat canned foods. Also I never microwave my foods. I like to eat the foods as close to nature as possible. I broil my chicken and or other meats or fish. I put some garlic and or basil on it or just nothing. I have learned to eat this way and do not want to change that. I eat little carbs and eat lots of veggies and or cooked as little or just raw depending on the vegetable.I also eat fruits and I tolerate most of them but do not want to over do the fruits because of the sugar. I love all the vegetables. I made a home made tomato sause the other day from fresh organic tomatoes and added garlic and basil in it (no salt) and it was so good. I mostly eat the tomatoes raw but when I want a tomato saus I make it from scratch. I do not eat anything out of a box, can or a bottle (except for olive oil). I do not eat salt either and my taste buds enjoy the wonderful whole foods that nature provides :)Try not to microwave your foods. I do believe these machines have a negative impact on our foods and eventually our bodies.You can be creative also in making the cake with yogurt. If your bladder does not tolerate the cream you can try to add fage total yogurt on top instead and add some blue berries if you can eat these.See if that is something you can do on special occasions. Always ask Dr Matia first if it is OK to do this.Have a nice day :)Angela.
That sounds Yummy!
Did you cook your tuna fresh or from a can? I know what you mean....that apple sounds great! Tammy
oh, um, I do use the tuna in a can, I honestly thought it was ok. I know there are a lot of metals in fish but chunk light canned tuna is supposed to be one of the better fish to eat as far as that is concerned, from what I read. Unless it's not good for you b/c it is in a can. It is the only thing that I eat that comes in a can. Matia, do you have an opinion on canned tuna? Unfortunately I have been slower with the diet and cannot tolerate fruit, spices, or many vegetables, including tomatoes. so I do allow myself to eat small amounts of salt, etc, or you just start to go crazy from everything being so tastelessWhy is microwaving food dangerous? I have heard something like that in the past and have gotten better at re heating meat and potatoes in a pot with a little olive oil and water (actually ends up tasting better this way) but to melt a piece of cheese for a few seconds or warm up a muffin--is that really bad?icnot4me
Canned and Microwaved foods
Hello icnot4me,Here is what I found on canned foods and information on microwaving your food;Microwave Ovens: The Curse of Convenience: http://www.naturalnews.com/023011.htmlCanned foods found to contain dangerously high level of toxic chemical bisphenol-A (BPA):http://www.naturalnews.com/021761.html Very interesting things to know. If you want to melt the cheese on your foods another possibility is, to put it in a regular oven. There are also small ovens that you can use.Hope this helps :)Angela.
Hi AngelaThank you for these articles. Is there a way to get tuna, uncanned? I guess you would have to cook it. I also read on this site that plastic storage is bad. Now I switched a few years ago to glass containers but they still have plastic lids. If I freeze food in them, I try to remember to remove the lid and cover it with a dish when I thaw in the fridge, and of course I don't microwave those lids, or any plastic products for that matter. But I do use the gallon ziploc bags for storing washed lettuce, celery, etc. What do you use to store things? icnot4me
Hi icnot4me,I know you can buy tuna fresh at a store like Whole Foods. I do not know if there is one near you. I think you can buy also fresh fish at a store like costco or sams club. http://www.wholefoodsmarket.com/ You ask me what I use to store foods, I am sorry, but I also do not freeze any of our foods here. Everyday I cook from scratch, all fresh. I know it is work but I have found my way in it and find it not difficult anymore. Every few days I go food shopping and buy fresh meats and vegetables and so on. Every night for dinner I cook meat in the oven (broil) and on the stove I cook noodles or potatoes or I cook brown rice and or wild rice in a stainless steel electric rice cooker. The vegetables I stirfry (not in oil but a little bit water) or I steam them lightly and when I put them on my plate I pour some virgin olive oil on my vegetables. Or I eat the vegetables raw, depends on what kind of vegetables I eat. We all eat this way here in this household. When I have left overs I put them in glass containers and I do store these in the refrigerator and eat these the next day for lunch. The left overs like meat or vegetables I re-heat these in a stainless steel or glass pan (not with oil but with a little bit water).About plastic bags. I have plastic bags like the ziplock ones but I try not to use these, I think the box with ziplock bags I have here is a few years old:) Since I started treatment with Dr Matia I have gone all the way. I do not use plastics anymore if I do not have to use them. I have shopping (cloth) bags for all my shoppings. Everytime I go shopping I bring my bags if I happen to forget them (left them in my car) then I put my groceries back in my cart (after I have paid for them) and I walk the cart to my car and open my trunk and take my bags and store the groceries in the bags in my trunk. Once I am home and I stored all my groceries away I put my bags back in the trunk of my car. I also recycle any plasitcs and paper as much as possible. I have evolved into this way :) It is not an effort anymore :)I feel IC has brought me to a better life after all. Ask anytime :) Angela.
what about storing raw vegetables, like lettuce? or a whole "head" of celery? do you store that in glass? what kinds of lids do your glass containers have? also, why no freezing of foods?this is all very interestingicnot4meoh yes, one last question: if you avoid all plastics, what do you do for water?filtration system?thanks
Hi icnot4me,I never store any lettuce. I only wash the amount that we eat or I eat. The rest I put it back in the refrigerator in the same package. My containers do have the plastic lids but the food will be cooled off before I put the lid on, but I seldom have left overs I usually cook about the right amount and if there is some left over then my 14 year old will finish it before it gets back to the kitchen :) He can eat :)
You ask why no freezing foods? I do not think it is bad really but I just like fresh foods. I have never really looked into that. But again I have gotten so handy in cooking and prepairing this way. And I love the fresh vegetables and fruits.
Your question about water....I do not use ANY plastic bottles and I do not use a filtration system. Since I started treatment I have used Mountain Valley Spring Water. I get the 5 gallon glass bottles. And I get the smaller glass bottles for on the go. The smaller ones come in the amount of 1 liters and 11.3 FL oz. This company delivers the water 1x a month. They will take the empty ones back. Every month I get about 10 to 12 5gallon bottles and a few boxes of the smaller bottles. They are all glass!!!See the website http://mountainvalleyspring.com/Angela.