head pain!

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i have had constant head pain for 8 months everyday. it had gotten somewhat better but it seems to be one of my main problems. its horrible, does anyone else suffer with this

Clueless's picture

I have a lot of sinus headaches and migraines.  I don't have them every day, but I do have them more often than not.

Dazzo11's picture

i get intense migraines as well...i am hopin this will change with matia..i am on meds now for them but i still get them...they say use lavendar oil to rub on ur temples...

Melsvensen's picture

I was never one for headaches, and then when I started this diet list one, I have been getting horrible headaches on and off.  I wake up with them, my face hurts, my temples, and the top of my head, sometimes the back bottom of my head.  I am thinking it is my sinus, the yeast die off.  I bought a neti pot at the health food store, but have not used it yet.  I am wondering iif clearing my sinus will help.

nicole's picture

That is the yeast dieing off I had this really bad in the begining. I still get some head stuff like buzzing and tightness also sound and light sensitive but its all way less intense now. It only really kicks up hard if she is cleansing me hard. In the beginging you can get this just on diet alone.

Melsvensen's picture

yes, I have had my ears ringing, head stuffiness feeling, memory issues, and i Cant remember words when I am trying to speak..also reading is hard.  I cant follow along with anything right now..its crazy all just from diet.