Saturday the 3rd at 4:00 will be the next meeting. Dial into your computers to the same number I gave last month. I am going to try and do it that way this time and let's hope the connection is better. Please comment on what you would like to discuss and I will try and provide time
for as many subjects as possible within the two hour period.
Question & Comment
dr. -- is the mtg. call-in only or will the locals physically meet in your office too?
and for discussion topics, 'let's talk about sex'... how ic affects our sex lives, how that in turn affects us (guilt, etc.), how our partners handle it and how to deal w/ our partners around this
Call in and here
so, you can come to the office or call in. Please give me your email so I can email you separately for private information.
sarahfriedman@live.com --
sarahfriedman@live.com -- thanks
can't get in again
I can't get in I thought the number was the same but its not working this time.anyone have the number
support group number
It is the same number. I tried on the computer but it didn't work. I am on the phone.
Thank you Kristy I did get in
Thank you Kristy
I did get in on the phone but i missed the hormone section the whole reason i wanted to go tonight is my stuggles with hormones :( I missed a whole hr.
I think these meetings should be pod casted for the group.
Can we please talk about hormones.
So far we have
sex and hormones on the agenda.
Metting topic
Lyme disease seems to be a hot topic on the board.
Nicole, Do you know if I can
Nicole, Do you know if I can call in by phone for this or can it only be done using your computer in some capacity? Thanks, Tammy
Can anyone join in the discussion and if so "HOW?"
I am not yet a patient but plan on seeing you soon, can I join in this support meeting and if so how would I do it?THANKS!
Send me your email
I will email you instructions :)
Great...looking forward to it!!!
Matia: My e-mail is debbyz@optonline.net
hello i would also like to
hello i would also like to join the meeting(not yet a patitent but hopefully soon:)) my email is candy_babe23@hotmail.com
If Anyone did not receive instructions or is unclear then repost
Please repost if unclear everyone>
Can this only be done long
Can this only be done long distance by somehow dialing in with your computer? I can't just conference call by phone?
email me privately, I will give you info. you can dial in thru phone or through gizmo5, which you can download free. I will give you the numbers privately.