Along the Healing Path

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I'm sure some of you already knew this book or have posted before, but I want to reiterate it for the newcomers here.  
I only wish someone had suggested I read this book (namely my DOCTOR! Ha!) when I first got diagnosed.
Along the Healing Path: Recovering from Interstitial Cystitis  by Catherine Simone.  It's just a patient's story of how an alternative approach helped her heal from IC and her theories about the illness. It just reaffirms so strongly everything we are doing and the protocol we are following through Matia.  It's a quick read and really gives you hope!  A must read for patients and family members of loved ones with IC! 

Kriste's picture

I have read this and did also enjoy the book.  I would also suggest people read it.

Melsvensen's picture


She has two books out, I ordered the first when when I first found out I had IC, 2.5 years ago.  

To Wake in Tears. gave me much hope right away that you CAN be brought back to health with IC.  She had a severe case, and if she can, we can.  One thing I do not recommend, which I tried to do was do everything she says to do in the book.  I got my pee tested through a broth culture and did the antibiotic therapy she suggested in the first book that I ordered, and I know that was a bad decsion.  I also drank a ton of Mashmellow root tea that she suggests and that was not helping my IC.  I know we are with Matia now, so we would not be trying them, but other people who may not be with Matia and on this site for hope, just know IC is very complicated and even though Catherine was able to do it herself, this is VERY hard to do and our bodies are all different. I do highly recommend reading both books though, I got Along the Healing Path 7 months ago, and in it she recommends alternative to antibiotic and that would have been good for me to know after reading the first book. 

nicole's picture

She and Amrit Wills the auther of solving the IC puzzle had a confrence in Ohio they are writing a book together from what I hear they have been friends and doing a lot of the same research. I love caths song it hurts to much to be in this moment. You can download it at her site IC hope. It
is all kind of sad though and I like more uplifting things even though she did get better most people don't seem to find the answers on either of there protocalls. They seem to be missing something still and I don't think they advocate chinese herbs from what I have read. They feel they are too strong and feel ICers should drink teas so that they can be made weak when trying herbs out. I too did a lot of the testing and I think i got worse when doing some of the things they suggest made my candida go out of balance. Some things on the Amrits board were bandaids for pain and while they seemed good I didn't realize that taking bicarb would make my yeast worse. I was taking a time released form so I was constantly alkiline. Another thing they are both into is the biodeniacal hormones I had just compleeted my testing for that prior to starting with Matia so I am glad i didn't do it. Matia feels it would have made my Candida even worse I can't even imagine that.
For me stress has been a major factor and I recall that Cath moved where Pot was more legal and did this for pain and stress this isnt really an option for everyone so I wish she didn't talk about it in her book.  Not sure which one she talks about it in or if it was her telling me on the phone she does talk to people all the time.
It's a nice personal journey though I just prefer to read the ones here on the site I cried when i read both books. :)

veryhappymom's picture

     I read Along the Healing Path as well.  I think the book helped peprare me for treatment with Matia.  I liked her concept that IC is related to bacterial and yeast problems.  Although I wouldn't reccomend self treatment with herbs, I enjoyed reading about her recovering using this method  The book was filled with hope.     Thankfully, I never went on long term antibiotic therapy.  My IC is bad because I received antibiotics off and on for two years due to "bladder infections."  I am so glad that I never went on antibiotics for six months straight.  My bladder was awful after one month of antibiotic therapy.     I am so glad that I found Matia.  Now I am in the hands of an IC expert.  She is awesome!   

nicole's picture

I agree that doing the herbs on your own is not a good idea I speak from experience on that. I can see why some do though because untill finding Matia you try all these herblists and drs who have no idea what IC is about and make you worse so your willing to try just about anything in that state. I am so glad I don't have to be in that position anymore. I can honestly say I am thankful for all my IC friends and Matia :)

camille's picture

I read Catherine's series years ago before my first treatment with Matia.  It helped lead me to Matia.  I was not able to get better on my own, although I did get started on a healing journey.  Reading her books helped me do a lot of things, like getting my mercury fillings replaced, and getting some metal removed from my jaw from a jaw reconstructive surgery I had when I was a teenager.  I do not believe I would have gotten better without Matia, however.