Sorry for the redundancy, but this is such a heated and upsetting issue as is water in general. Water has a huge impact on health, and, in IC, it can be the difference between effective treatment and completely ineffective treatment.
Even if you are not drinking it, showering with floridated water can be toxic!
I have heard that even bottled water that claims to be collected from a spring is just tap water that's been filtered. Does that mean flouride is still in that water?
How can one not shower in floridated water?
Some bottled waters are half
Some bottled waters are half filtered. It will usually say it in small print! Of those some have small amounts of flouride. Not being a water expert, I don't know if there is a difference between naturally occurring flouride and not.
But, the water issue is so important, I myself am trying to continue to learn and stay on top of the situation.
I do know that most bottled spring waters that are truly spring are the difference between no pain and high painf. That I know for sure!
Matia, where does it say again on your web site the types of spring water you recommend and what kinds you know your patients have used that have worked for them. What about showers and baths with well water?
It is under IAIC approach and
It is under IAIC approach and then under gentle products guide. Both Arrowhead and Mountain Valley should be there. I need to update with other waters. But, use your judgement, make sure it does not say from filtered water. And just FYI Evian, a good one, is a little too alkaline.
I was in the health food store the other day and I saw shower/bath filters. I was wondering if they would be helpful in filtering out some of the harmful things in our water. Does anyone know what we can do to minimize the impact of bathing in tap water? I think that the filters might only really work for Chlorine? Its unsettling to read about all these water dangers. I find pain releif in hot showers but I don't want to simultaneously be contributing to IC or doing anything to undermine my treatment. Are water treatment people paid off to put floride into our water? Why is it still in our water if its understood to be harmful?