I posted this a couple weeks ago, but a patient brought up some great points about this today.
Go to the comments and read todays comment! I am really glad I posted, otherwise,
she would not have connected this for herself.
The other night a question was asked about potassium bc a patient had taken it that had been asymptomatic for four years and then started having symptoms again.
I could not thoroughly explain this the other night bc there were qyestions between, and I feel I did not address this completely.
But, I wanted to point out that cocnut oil is high in potassium and is very alkaline. Potassium specifically and over alkalinty creates problem with the bladder.
It reduces the body's ability to keep microorganisms in check. Often people will come in having over alkalized their body's over time and as a consequence created a condition optimal for IC.
The same is true for someone in treatment or post treatment. Just like going back to a high sugar diet or a high alcohol diet, turning to certain types of patterns can bring back your imbalances-this is true for anyone, not just someone having had IC. Life and health is about balance-if we do not have that, we do not have health!
Coconut oil!!
Thanks for posting this! My husband thinks I should take coconut oil because it has anti-microbial properties and because he takes it and he likes it, makes him feel more energized. I won't take 1. because Matia said not to and 2. I don't like it. The smell alone makes me sick to my stomach. It is interesting that alkaline can bother too - all we hear about is how too much acid is so bad and to do everything to get more alkaline. But evidently that's not the case!
Neither is a good thing. neutral pH should be the goal, and the body should be the one to acheive it. So, part of getting wel, is getting the body to manage that function--not to purposefully alter it. Makes sense?ALso, potassium instills are one way of diagnosing IC. If it causes excruciating pain after they put it in you, then you have it. SOunds fantastic right? Sorry for the sarcasm!
High potassium foods
What about foods high in potassium like avocado?
can be iffy when you first start them, and perhpas this is why. But, I think they are also iffy at first bc often people eat them when they are brown-not good. But, avocados are a great food, lots of protein and great oils!
i eat a potato everyday,is
i eat a potato everyday,is this ok since they have alot of potassium?
are fine...oddly, yes! But, bananas are not until much later down the line.
water softeners
I've been a patient of Matia's for 4 years now and have come so far in getting my health back, but continue to struggle with mild frequency and bladder irritation, especially in the mornings. When I go out of town, my bladder is usually fine. I have been trying to pinpoint what about my home is bothering me? Then I saw this post and thought to myself - maybe it's the potassium in our home water-softener. See, I have this ongoing debate with my husband about using bottled water. That is ALL I drink. He hates the wastefulness of bottled water and he's right, it is wasteful and I wish I could use the water out of the tap, but now I can attest to how important it is for me not to use the tap water. We're on well water, so I don't have to contend with all the chemicals that are present in city water. We've even had our well tested and it's been declared "clean". But our water is also very hard so we have a softening system which uses potassium chloride. Like I said, I only drink bottled water. However when my husband makes the coffee and my hot kamut cereal in the morning, he uses tap water. He approaches everything from a very scientific viewpoint and figures that if you're boiling the water that if there is anything in the water it will be done away with at high temperature. And when someone is kind enough to make your breakfast in the morning you don't want to get too bossy :)Anyway, I decided to do a little experiment and started getting up earlier and making my coffee and cereal with bottled water and I started to feel better! That lasted for a couple of weeks and sometime during this process I mentioned to him that I was using bottled water for cooking, but didn't mention the potassium. He started making the coffee and cereal again, and my morning frequency and irritation returned. I let it go for a few days. Then one morning he saw me making my cereal and said, oh you use that to make your cereal too???? I am actually glad that he put the tap water in without me knowing, because now I know for certain that my tap water was bugging me. So now I'm back to bottled water for the coffee and cereal and I'm feeling much better. I just wish I had figured out the potassium link a few years ago!Carol
Even after 4 years we cannot have potassium?