I read a post today about someone who was helped by follwoing my dietary suggestions who has not even become a patient.
My heart is so touched by your post! Thank you for sharing that with everyone. I am so happy to have heped you without even having met you!
The standard diets that are recommended are targeted differently, and I am so glad you tried mine and it helped. But, remember, there are stages,and the goal is to get back to a normal healthy diet!
Dr. B
My Diet
My urologist was so impressed with my progress. I told her about the diet and your website. She took down the information and I encouraged her to look for herself and to please share it with her IC patients. I hope that she does.
Thank you! That will help many more people, I am sure!
I am waiting to be a patient but started on the diet a month ago. However while the bladder seems to be calmer generally, I have upper stomach gastritis so am trying to stick to the diet but can only eat easy to digest foods and can't tolerate red meat, fried or oily food, eggs. Basically my stomach has become even more sensitive than before. I'm having acupuncture but it's not doing much. Any suggestions-should I take probiotics?
Hello Fran. Glad to hear your bladder is calmer. I have been on the diet for about 7 weeks and my symptoms are 90% better. I can't stray from level 1 at all or I have a flare up. I take a daily probiotic and I know that in reading many of the blogs here that some of Matia's patients mention taking them. You might try them and see if they help. Do you already have an appointment?
Thanks for your reply Emmarenee. I was trying probiotics but i think I may have an ulcer - my stomach started to be sensitive a year ago. My doctor (new) is not the best-just prescribe antacids which I can't take. Anyway it could be the sudden change of diet, and may calm down soon. Am just eating simply, following alternative advice to heal the acidity and hope to see Matia end August. So it's hard to know how my bladder's doing as my stomach is bothering me more at the moment! Although the vulvodynia seems to have cleared up, which is good. It's funny how the IC seems more bearable when you get something else too to deal with. Anyway good luck to you. Are you going to see Matia?
Glad to hear back from you
Hello Fran, the more I read the more I am amazed by how many ways IC can effect the body. One day at a time, the good days start to out number the bad. What are you able to eat? I wish I had some ideas but I just keep it simply and my bladder stays calmer.
I have not made my appointment yet but I am in the process of filling out the evaluations forms for my daughter and myself. Looking into airfare. It seems a little overwhelmiing to coordinate an out of state trip. My daughter is 7 and she has had yeast, UTI, bowel and vaginitis issues most of her life. I want to get her started as soon as possible. I would never want her to experience the pain I have suffered. I am so thankful that I found my way to Dr. Brizman. I'm very excited about meeting her. She gives so much of herself.