Children who were carried in the womb during a time when the mother had been sick with chronic illness may be more likely to experience chronic illness themselves in my experience. This
is not based on any scientific evidence, it is only what I have seen in the small number of people that I treat compared to the whole world-which-is tiny!
However, I have seen my patient's children go on to exhibit symptoms of IC and other chronic illness.
That said, those kids I have treated are all doing well and seem to be quite in good health now.
But, consider for a moment the kids that go on to have problems in life bc of various things that we do to them. Some kids can take it, some kids can't. This has much to do with genetics, constitution, etc... This is part of the reason why many argue that we should examine how we are vaccinating our children. Kids are not all born alike in any way, not in ethnicity, not in background,
not in health. This article is an emotional one, but it is an important topic. And, for those of you having babies, I think it is extra important to think about!
having kids
MatiaThe fact that people with ic tend to have children who exhibit the same symptoms gives me pause. I don't know if I could stand to watch my own child suffer with this horrendous condition. I know all that I have gone through, even with compromised health when I was little. And a big part of me wonders if I should ever have children. I would feel guilty passing this on; also, the work, expense, and strictness of the diet is hard enough for an adult, let alone a child. I am not in any way putting down those with ic who have gone on to have children; I am just sharing some personal, internal struggles I've had about it and am hoping maybe having a child who has some of these same issues isn't as horrible as I'm thinking it would be?icnot4me
Having Children
I understand exactly what you mean. Of the women who have had babies after going through treatment, however--so far so good, but it is too soon to know yet. And, remember, I am only treating a tiny tiny number of people compared to the whole IC population despite how large my practice is. So, my experience is only a slice of the big picture. Perhaps there are enormous numbers of women who have had children while being very symptomatic and those children are fine. I do think a person should consider these things before having children. Having children is tough enough-both being the parent and being the child. My saddest case was a little girl who at the time was 4 years old who would sit in the corner of her bedroom in her rocking chair-just rocking back and forth bc her bladder and vagina hurt so bad. A little kid should not know about those things. But, she is so healthy now. She does not suffer in that way anymore. So, think about that too! She has a great life.
autism and moms with ic
matia,when you talk about moms with ic/imbalance issues potentially having kids with health concerns, does that include developmental issues and/or symptoms of autism? i ask this because i know that there has been a lot of talk about autism possibly being related to yeast/bacterial imbalances (for example, i know in jenny mccarthy's book she talked about how much it helped her son to go on a diet that was very similar to the one we are on, as well as the fact that he had a lot of die off symptoms before getting better), so wondering if you think moms with ic are more likely to have kids with these types of challenges. would really like to hear your thoughts on this as well as whether you think there remains a higher likelihood of this even after a woman with ic completes treatment...Thanks!
I think these kinds of problems are different branches of the same tree. So, yes, my answer is absolutely. I think autistic kids were predisposed through their mother and then the vaccine often will become the trigger. Other conditions can be tourette's ADD, etc...
All my symtpoms began 4 years ago, and since then I have had two babies 14 months apart. I would hate to see my own kids go through all this, and I am hoping I did not pass this on. I try my hardest to feed them well and regulate sugar, but the amercian way and entertainment has sugar involved everywhere!
Sugar is everywhere
It is really hard to keep sugar out of your children's diets, but we can all do our best. And, we can think twice before unnecessarily medicating our kids. That is a big big one. Our kids aredependent upon our knowledge and guidance. If you are aware, I am sure you will do all of the things that your kids need to be healthy:)
Between a rock and a hard place...
What are we moms to do? I have a soon to be 8 year old in treatment with you Matia and I have had great luck getting her to take the herbs that she needs to get better. She has also taken herbs for Strep Throat. I say luck because she is not yet swallowing pills. I have to mix the very yucky tasting herbs with yogurt and give them to her. I also have a soon to be 4 year old son. He has two stikes against him. Through me he is predisposed to IC and he has small eustachian tubes. He gets a sinus and or ear infection with 3 out of 4 colds. Luckily he is healthy and only gets about 3 colds a year. These infections end up with a round of antibiotics and if you add that up he's taken a lot in his short like. Now that I know there are alternatives to antibiotics my daughter and I don't take them. My son is a different story. There is no way he would take the "yucky" herbs. When he's older I know he will but for now what am I to do? When I have to give him the antibiotics it's pure torture for me. I feel so guilty, helpless and terrified. You have small children. How do you get them to take the herbs? What can I do to minimize the damage? Tammy
Getting Children to Take Herbs
EAch child is so different. I have seen kids lick up the worst tasting herbs while other have to be "focrced" a bit. A child can't understand what he or she needs. When kids are old enough to understand and won't comply, you explain, it is these yucky tasting herbs or we go to the hospital--something like that. It sounds terrible, but you have to say something that shakes them up so they will listen. Or you say, if you dont take these then we will have to take you to the doctor and he will have to give you shots that are not going to feel good, and the yucky taste only lasts a minute. YOu also need to have something on hand to chase it with. Fresh water might taste best, or maybe the child might prefer apple juice. Listen, you can even put a little agave nectar in the concoction if the child just wont do it. That will take the edge off the bitterness quite well. Pharmacists put sweet sugary syrups in children's medications all the time. It is not my preference, but if that is what you need to do to get the job done, then so be it. Another trick you can use for really little ones is put the herbs in some sweetened yoghurt or apple sauce, something thick and from the opposite side of their head sneak your finger inside their cheek to get it in their mouth--this is more for pre-toddlers/babies. Once a child sees the connection between feeling better and the yucky stuff they are taking, it does become easier. They have a more positive association. It IS hard, however. Not all children are alike. But, in my humble parental opinion, you have to use your intellectual skills to override their inability to grasp what is in their best interest--because however you get it in them, you are doing them a huge service for their greater good. I want to be clear though--don't torture the kid or be mean of course! Just use your skills as an adult to help them make a good choice for the,selves. And, as I said, in a baby, a child that is too young to reason with, sometime you do just have to sneak it in there. They will forget about the bad taste 2 minutes after it is over, especially when they feel better!